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Flight Centre Corporate (FCM Travel and Corporate Traveller) has today welcomed the resumption of the Perth to Guangzhou route as a thrice weekly, seasonal service from 28 November 2024.
Comments by Melissa Elf, Flight Centre Corporate MD for ANZ, Global Corporate COO:
“The return of Chinese carriers to our shores is something that we’ve long championed as a key facet of airfares reducing and we’ve seen over recent months exactly that has happened as competition and capacity has increased to and from our major cities.
“For the first four months of the year (January to March), we’ve already seen a massive increase in the number of bookings between Perth and China, taking off by 54 per cent year on year – with the number of travellers hitting an upward trajectory of more than 130 per cent.
“*China has been Western Australia’s largest trading partner for 17 consecutive years, with Western Australia’s total exports to China reaching AUD 144.6 billion in the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
“*This accounted for 55 per cent of WA’s overall exports. Among this, 85 per cent of iron ore and 99 per cent of lithium produced in WA are sold to China.
“This is reflective within our own internal stats that show Mining/Oil/Gas as our number one industry for business trave between Perth and China – followed by Construction, Education, Manufacturing, and Transportation and Warehousing.
“We look forward to welcoming business travellers for both FCM Travel and Corporate Traveller in Perth as of November of this year.”