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TiCSASeven South Australian tourism businesses have been recognized as some of the nation’s best at the 2022 Qantas Australian Tourism Awards. Adelaide Zoo, a beloved South Australian attraction, took home the gold in the Major Tourism Attraction category. The Cedars Hahndorf and Woodhouse Activity Centre were awarded silver in the Cultural Tourism and Unique Accommodation categories respectively. Additionally, Sequoia Lodge, Redwing Farm, and Eos by SkyCity were awarded bronze medals for their excellence in New Tourism Business, Hosted Accommodation, and 5 Star Luxury Accommodation respectively.

The Qantas Australian Tourism Awards, held annually, celebrate excellence and innovation in the tourism industry across Australia. With 75 awards presented across 25 categories, gold, silver, and bronze medals were awarded to outstanding tourism businesses that offer unique and exceptional experiences. Winners from the 2022 South Australian Tourism Awards went on to compete with winners from other Australian states and territories.



Shaun de Bruyn, Chairperson of the Australian Tourism Awards and CEO of Tourism Industry Council SA, praised the tourism industry in Australia for its resilience in the face of external factors such as the pandemic. He said, “As an industry, we continue to innovate, collaborate, and come back strong. Many of our tourism operators are going from strength to strength, bouncing back after the worst of the pandemic.”

South Australia’s success at the awards ceremony highlights the exceptional experiences that tourists can expect to enjoy when visiting the state. Adelaide Zoo’s commitment to sustainability and conservation, as well as its unique behind-the-scenes experiences, make it a must-visit destination. The Cedars Hahndorf and Woodhouse Activity Centre offer unique and immersive experiences that showcase the rich cultural heritage of the Adelaide Hills region.

Sequoia Lodge, Redwing Farm, and Eos by SkyCity are just a few examples of the many exceptional accommodation options available to visitors to South Australia. These businesses offer a range of unique and luxurious experiences that cater to a variety of tastes and preferences.

The federal government was represented at the awards ceremony by the Federal Minister for Trade and Tourism Senator the Hon Don Farrell, who emphasized the importance of the tourism industry to Australia’s economy. Tourism Australia’s Managing Director Phillipa Harrison was also present, underscoring the importance of tourism in promoting Australia’s unique and diverse offerings to the world.

Nominations for the 2023 South Australian Tourism Awards will open on Wednesday 22 March, offering businesses the opportunity to showcase their exceptional offerings to a wider audience. Visitors to South Australia can expect to enjoy unforgettable experiences, from iconic attractions like Adelaide Zoo to unique and immersive cultural experiences offered by businesses like The Cedars Hahndorf and Woodhouse Activity Centre. Learn more about the South Australian Tourism Awards at www.satourismawards.com.au.

In conclusion, South Australian tourism businesses have once again demonstrated their commitment to exceptional standards and innovation in the tourism industry. Their success at the 2022 Qantas Australian Tourism Awards highlights the unique and unforgettable experiences that visitors to South Australia can expect to enjoy. With the nomination process for the 2023 South Australian Tourism Awards opening soon, visitors can look forward to discovering even more exceptional businesses that showcase the best of what South Australia has to offer.




Written by: Kevin Hall






