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Seychelles, the enchanting tropical paradise in the Indian Ocean, will be looking to take center stage at the World Travel Market (WTM) London 2023, showcasing its natural beauty, vibrant culture, and commitment to sustainable tourism.

Tourism Seychelles, along with a delegation of representatives from Seychelles’ tourism industry, will be available at the highly anticipated WTM London 2023 from Nov 6th to Nov 8th to showcase the islands to all media and trade visitors. The event, which brings together travel professionals and enthusiasts from around the world, provided a platform for Seychelles to highlight its unique attractions and initiatives that promote responsible tourism.

Key Highlights from the Seychelles Pavilion:

Nature Unleashed: Seychelles’ stunning natural beauty on full display. Visitors will be treated to breathtaking images of pristine white-sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, lush rainforests, and unique biodiversity that make Seychelles a sought-after destination for nature lovers.
Sustainable Tourism: Seychelles’ commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable tourism practices is a focal point. Representatives will be discussing the nation’s efforts to protect its delicate ecosystems, reduce carbon emissions, and promote eco-friendly accommodations and activity
Collaborative Efforts: The Seychelles delegation is ready to engage with industry partners, travel operators, and tour agents to strengthen collaborations and foster the growth of tourism to Seychelles.

Tourism Seychelles’ Director General for Marketing, Bernadette Willemin, said: “Seychelles offers a unique and unforgettable experience for travelers. Our commitment to sustainable tourism and preserving our natural environment is unwavering. We are delighted to share the Seychelles experience with the world at WTM London 2023 and are excited to welcome travelers seeking a memorable and responsible journey.”

Seychelles’ presence at WTM London 2023 will mark the continuation of its efforts to attract travelers while also ensuring that tourism contributes positively to the destination’s conservation and community development efforts.

For more information on Seychelles and its offerings, please visit www.seychelles.com. Visit us at Stand S10-527