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These days, you have about 10 seconds before your website visitors lose interest. That’s why anticipating and answering the range of questions your guests have is a crucial part of keeping their online attention and driving direct website bookings.

Some of these questions are obvious (amenities, location, nearby activities, etc.), but others require deeper digging.

To gain greater insights into the questions your customers have, make a practice of asking them, through regularly occurring surveys that target a portion of your guests per month. You can then build customer profiles and marketing strategies around the input you’ve received.

When you build your online survey forms, be sure to include these five essential questions:

  1. What made you initially decide to stay at our hotel?
  2. What one thing does our hotel do better than other hotels where you’ve stayed?
  3. How can we create a better experience for you?
  4. Would you recommend our hotel to others? If so, why?
  5. What search phrase/keywords would you use on Google to find a hotel like ours?

This same theory applies to your meeting planner clients. Send them surveys and supplement that data with information gleaned through networking and attending meeting planner-specific events.

Lose out on a big RFP? Ask the tough question: why didn’t you choose us? Then leverage what you learn to make improvements.

Be sure to always keep the dialog open with all customer profiles. Remember, the only way to know, is to ask.

Get More: Want More Direct Bookings? Give the Best Answers

Source: Tambourine