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Every one of us has been impacted by COVID19 in one way or another. As we are released from the grasp that the virus has had on us, returning to a normal life may not be the way it used to be.

At a time when youth around the world are facing an uncertain future, Creative Visions and the Planet Classroom Network have launched SHINE, an innovative multi-media project encouraging young people to use their creativity and STEM innovations to come up with solutions for our collective futures. In the first episode of the SHINE podcast series to support this initiative, a number of talented international creators were asked what they want in a life in the post-COVID19 world, and what role the arts have played during this period. Their answers inspire us to find creativity through these difficult times. Mental health, community effort, inner-peace, and equality are only just a few of the topics that our young creators discuss.

“I truly feel that the pandemic or the world is just yelling at us to make this educational pivot,” says American actor Izzy Kusman…“ensuring that everyone has access to the digital solutions that we’ve resorted to in the COVID19 pandemic, for example, is very important.” “I think we need to focus more on the mental health of our world’s students,” says British Director Camilla Hall. “We need to be more understanding of what they may or may not be dealing with at home and provide better support to students who are struggling.”