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Snow depth levels in the Snowy Mountains, NSW are higher than they have been in more than 20 years according to measurements taken by Snowy Hydro at Spencer’s Creek.

As of 29 July, 2021, the natural snow depth is 186.3cm, the highest level recorded since the bumper snow year of 2000. The resorts of Thredbo, Perisher and Charlotte Pass in the Snowy Mountains are currently in pristine condition for skiing and snowboarding, with experts calling for even more snow to fall this week. Due to restricted visitation from Greater Sydney, keen snow-goers from regional NSW and the ACT have the opportunity to enjoy the fantastic snow cover with less people than normal on the slopes.

Nic Kennedy is the owner and operator of The Guthega Inn, a mountain lodge located in the ski area of Guthega. According to Nic:

“Despite some of the best snow conditions in recent memory, our bookings are roughly 70% down on what was held prior to the lockdown announcement. We absolutely welcome guests from regional NSW and the ACT. Those who are able to visit will now doubt enjoy the abundance of space on the slopes and the excellent snowfalls.”

Many businesses in the Snowy Mountains have been greatly affected by travel restrictions. According to Fen Bannister who owns Eastlake Travelers Lodge in East Jindabyne:

“The Sydney lockdown has been the toughest hit yet for our little business, worse than last year and the bushfires! Winter is usually the time where we make our bread and butter and it’s extremely worrying to think about our future. We are practically begging people to stay and still struggling to fill our beds.”

Those who can visit the Snowy Mountains are urged to check with accommodation providers in the region to take up some great deals on a last-minute snow holiday. The resorts of Thredbo and Perisher are also offering discounted lift and accommodation packages until the end of the month with Charlotte Pass offering budget friendly skiing and snowboarding all season long.