The world of “Bluey,” the beloved Australian children’s show, is about to leap off the screen and into real life with the grand opening of Bluey’s World in Brisbane this November. Fans of the hit animated series are excited as newly released images reveal their first look at this extraordinary 4000-square-meter immersive experience, which promises to delight visitors with interactive play zones, vibrant recreations of the Heeler family’s iconic home, and endless surprises. With the Bluey phenomenon continuing to captivate audiences worldwide, Bluey’s World has already extended its season until September 2025, and additional tickets will go on sale starting Monday, October 21, 2024.
A First Glimpse Into Bluey’s World
The unveiling of Bluey’s World offers fans an exhilarating first glimpse into the world of Australia’s favourite blue heeler. From the instantly recognizable front porch and living room where Bluey and Bingo’s imaginative games come to life to the lush backyard, and whimsical sets beyond, the immersive experience is a playground for young and old alike. Each meticulously designed space mirrors the vibrant, colourful charm of the TV show, down to the smallest detail—yes, even the hidden long dogs!
Upon entering Bluey’s home, visitors are immediately swept into an adventure where fun and teamwork are essential. With characters like Unicorse launching a mischievous plot to freeze Bluey and Bingo, it’s up to fans to save the day with some help from familiar faces, including the fan-favourite garden gnomes. The guided journey promises excitement around every corner, and while things may not always go as planned, the laughter and camaraderie that define Bluey will shine through.
A Labor of Love: Creators Bring Bluey’s World to Life
The creative brilliance behind Bluey’s World is none other than the show’s original masterminds, Joe Brumm and Suzy Brumm, who collaborated closely with Ludo Studio to bring this larger-than-life experience to reality. Every inch of Bluey’s World has been designed to maintain the warmth, humour, and magic that have endeared Bluey to millions of fans.
“We wanted to capture the true spirit of Bluey, not just in the visuals but in the heart of the experience,” said Joe Brumm. “It’s about fun, imagination, and those little moments that make life special, and that’s what Bluey’s World is all about.”
Immersive Adventures Await Every Visitor
Andrew Kay, Producer of Bluey’s World, describes the experience as a dream come true for families. “We’ve crafted a world where every corner offers an opportunity to play, engage, and create lasting memories. With photo ops featuring beloved characters, interactive play zones, and surprise moments throughout, Bluey’s World is the ultimate destination for anyone who loves the joy and heartwarming adventures of Bluey,” said Kay.
One of the highlights of Bluey’s World is the meticulously recreated outdoor spaces that invite visitors to explore Bluey’s neighbourhood. Whether bouncing on the family trampoline or uncovering hidden treasures in the garden, the interactive play areas are designed to inspire curiosity and imagination in children and adults alike.
Richard Dinnen, Creative Technical Director, added, “We poured our hearts into creating a space where visitors can truly step inside Bluey’s universe. From the furnishings to the interactive zones, we’ve thought of every detail to bring Bluey’s world to life.”
A Tourism Magnet for Brisbane
Beyond the excitement of stepping into Bluey’s universe, Bluey’s World is set to play a crucial role in boosting Brisbane’s economy. Tourism and Events Queensland and Brisbane City Council have backed the event, recognizing its potential to attract visitors across Australia and the globe. Patricia O’Callaghan, CEO of Tourism and Events Queensland, noted Bluey’s international appeal.
“Bluey has captured the hearts of fans worldwide, and we’re thrilled to bring Bluey’s hometown to life through this immersive experience,” O’Callaghan said. “We’re inviting families not only to enjoy Bluey’s World but to stay and explore Brisbane, as well as the greater Queensland region.”
Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the city’s excitement in showcasing its lifestyle through Bluey’s World. “Brisbane is the backdrop to Bluey’s adventures, and now fans will get the chance to immerse themselves in the Heeler family’s world,” Schrinner said. “This attraction is a fantastic addition to our city’s tourism offerings, and we’re expecting it to have a substantial impact on the local economy by drawing visitors from all corners of the globe.”
Extended Dates Due to Overwhelming Demand
Originally scheduled to run through 2024, the overwhelming demand for tickets has led to an extension of Bluey’s World through September 2025. As fans rush to secure their spots, ticket sales for the extended season will begin on October 21, 2024, and are expected to sell out fast. For those eager to join the fun, early planning is essential. Ticket information and bookings can be made at
With the official blue carpet opening set for November 12, 2024, families and fans of all ages are counting down the days until they can step into the Heeler family’s world and experience the magic of Bluey firsthand. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime adventure that promises unforgettable fun, laughter, and togetherness moments.
Written by: Soo James