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Tourism Western Australia has today unveiled its 10-year roadmap to grow the state’s visitor economy to new heights, in what will be a ‘dream decade’ for WA’s tourism industry.

The WA Visitor Economy Strategy 2033 (WAVES 2033) outlines a new vision for Western Australia, ‘to be recognised as a world-class destination that immerses people in its unique cultures, communities and environment.’

The Strategy sets an ambitious goal to grow visitor spend in the state to $25 billion per annum by 2033.

Following visitor spend in Western Australia reaching a record high of $16.8 billion in 2022-23, Tourism WA Managing Director Carolyn Turnbull said the agency is off to a great start to achieve the new goal.

“Tourism WA is committed to taking Western Australia’s Visitor Economy to even greater heights, driven by our global tourism brand Walking On A Dream, a competitive major events strategy and celebrating our unique Aboriginal tourism sector, and of course our high-performing tourism industry” Ms Turnbull said.

“WAVES 2033 sets out the future of the WA visitor economy, as we move on from the postpandemic recovery phase and set our sights on new levels of success.”

WAVES 2033 was developed in consultation across 14 WA Government agencies and more than 25 industry stakeholders, with representatives invited to offer their insights on the challenges and opportunities faced by the WA tourism industry.

WAVES 2033 identifies and categorises growth opportunities into six goal areas – Aviation, Accommodation and Attractions, Events, Aboriginal Tourism, Destination Brand, and High Performing Industry – which contain key initiatives that will drive sustainable growth of the state’s tourism industry and visitor economy over the next decade.

Initiatives include:

  • Attracting new inbound aviation routes and boosting regional tourism with affordable airfares
  • Driving private sector investment in accommodation and enhancing attractions
  • Encouraging investment in events infrastructure to facilitate Western Australia’s delivery of more leisure, sports and business events
  • Developing Aboriginal cultural centres and make WA Australia’s Aboriginal tourism leader
  • Enticing high-yield travellers and international students by dialling up global marketing and digital offerings; and
  • Growing the tourism and hospitality workforce, harnessing innovative technologies and expanding sustainable and inclusive tourism experiences.

The WA Government has committed $530 million to Tourism WA over the next four years to implement WAVES 2033 and deliver target outcomes.

WAVES 2033 can be viewed at: tourism.wa.gov.au

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Tourism WA is the WA Government agency responsible for promoting Western Australia as an incredible holiday and events destination. Our role is to inspire more people to visit WA from Australia and around the world.

We do this by marketing the state to the world through innovative campaigns; developing, attracting and promoting major sporting, arts, cultural and business events; working with government and the tourism industry to improve access, accommodation and tourism experiences for our visitors; and by informing and empowering the WA tourism industry through sharing key insights and global trends, building stakeholder relationships and providing leadership to the sector.