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Flight Centre - Corporate Traveller - logoIn the face of economic uncertainties, SMEs constantly seek innovative strategies to curtail costs without compromising the quality and efficiency of business travel. A groundbreaking revelation by Corporate Traveller, a flagship SME travel management business under the Flight Centre Travel Group, has illuminated the path to substantial savings, demonstrating that astute planning and strategic insights can lead to a reduction of more than 30% in corporate travel expenditures over the past year.

This pivotal information comes at a crucial time when a recent survey indicated that 91% of SMEs are determined to maintain their travel itineraries despite economic pressures. Tom Walley, the Global Managing Director of Corporate Traveller, based in Australia, emphasized the significant impact of their findings. “Adopting simple yet effective strategies, such as booking flights a month in advance, can slash up to $200 off a single one-way domestic ticket,” Walley explained. With the reported 28.7% increase in ‘revenue passenger kilometres’ to 67.6 billion last year within Australia alone, the urgency for cost-effective travel solutions has never been more pressing.

Corporate Traveller’s report delineates seven crucial cost-saving hacks embraced by its most savvy business clients:

  1. Advance Bookings Triumph Over Last-Minute Deals: Contrary to popular belief, the most economical airfares are accessible more than two weeks before the departure date, with the potential for the most significant savings manifesting from bookings made up to six months in advance.
  2. Leveraging Travel Management Programs for Added Value: By enrolling in travel programs such as Corporate Traveller’s SmartStay, businesses can enjoy exclusive perks like complimentary breakfasts, late checkouts, and room upgrades, further enhancing the value of their travel.
  3. Choosing Flexible Fares for Future Credits: Opting for flights with favourable terms for changes or cancellations can safeguard against unexpected plan alterations, ensuring that every dollar spent on travel remains an investment towards future journeys.
  4. Promoting a Carry-On Culture to Eliminate Extra Fees: Encouraging employees to travel light for short trips streamlines the travel process and significantly saves baggage fees over time.
  5. Securing Last Room Availability for Guaranteed Rates: This strategy ensures businesses can lock in contracted rates at hotels, protecting against price surges during high-demand periods.
  6. Bundling Travel Components for Seamless Savings: Packaging flights, accommodations, and airport transfers can reduce travel arrangements’ overall cost and complexity.
  7. Choosing Centrally Located Accommodations to Cut Down on Transport Costs: Staying close to business venues and amenities can drastically reduce the reliance on costly transportation options.

Walley’s insights reveal a transformative approach to business travel, where strategic planning and the utilization of specialized travel management services culminate in significant cost reductions. These strategies empower SMEs to navigate the complexities of corporate travel and reinvest the savings into further growth and development initiatives. In an era where every dollar counts, these revelations by Corporate Traveller offer a beacon of hope and a roadmap to sustainable travel management for businesses worldwide.

The emphasis on advanced planning, leveraging travel management programs, and making strategic choices in booking flights and accommodations underscores a broader narrative: in the world of corporate travel, foresight and partnership with experts like Corporate Traveller can convert the daunting challenge of managing travel expenses into an opportunity for savings and efficiency.

With Australians projected to spend a record amount on ride-hailing apps this year, the guidance provided by Corporate Traveller not only presents a timely solution to a pressing issue but also aligns with the broader trend of seeking more value-driven, intelligent approaches to business operations. As SMEs continue to navigate the post-pandemic landscape, the strategies outlined by Corporate Traveller serve as a testament to the power of knowledge, preparation, and strategic partnerships in achieving fiscal prudence and operational excellence in corporate travel.




Written by: Soo James





