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Cradle of EcotourismLPM Presents, A Dive into Brazil’s Best-Kept Secret, Championing Global Ecotourism.

In a groundbreaking collaboration with the Mato Grosso do Sul Tourism Foundation, LPM—a renowned global content platform—has launched an ambitious documentary series. This series unveils Mato Grosso do Sul’s irrefutable significance in ecotourism. Dubbed “Mato Grosso do Sul: A Leading Advocate for Ecotourism Worldwide”, the series promises to redefine the way global audiences view sustainable tourism in Brazil.

Directed by award-winning cinematographer Maxwell Polimanti, scripted by the talented Adriana Farias, and executive produced by the tourism industry icon Gisele Abrahão, the four-part series is poised to be a game-changer. Its pilot, “The Value of Preservation”, premiered on LPM’s YouTube channel, capturing the region’s essence by interweaving cultural intricacies with breathtaking landscapes.

Diving into Mato Grosso do Sul’s ecological wonders, the series covers the pristine rivers of Bonito, Serra da Bodoquena’s cascading waterfalls, the rich traditions of Pantanal inhabitants, and the unparalleled biodiversity of Pantanal and Serra do Amolar. The series entertains and educates, emphasizing the region’s dedication to preserving its natural splendour and profound cultural heritage.

Bruno Wendling, the CEO of the Mato Grosso do Sul Tourism Foundation, elaborated on the region’s significance, “Mato Grosso do Sul stands tall as a pinnacle of ecotourism in Brazil. Our commitment extends beyond merely conserving our natural wonders; it’s about treasuring the very spirit and history of this place and its people.”

Reflecting on her experience scripting the series, Adriana Farias shared, “Creating this documentary was not just a professional undertaking but a transformative personal journey. Capturing the spirit of Mato Grosso do Sul and its standing as a global ecotourism benchmark was both challenging and inspiring. We aim to ignite a global conversation, advocating for preserving this awe-inspiring legacy.”

Over the next two months, eager audiences can expect the unveiling of subsequent episodes, offering fresh perspectives on this breathtaking region. Maxwell Polimanti encapsulated the series’ sentiment, quoting an interviewee, “I discovered that traveling is also a way of caring.

LPM’s latest venture emulates its broader mission—inspiring global audiences by celebrating the planet’s unmatched wonders. LPM aims to catalyze a collective march towards a brighter, more sustainable future by spotlighting initiatives, sustainable endeavours, and collaborative actions.

For an exclusive look into the heart of Brazil’s ecotourism revolution, visit http://www.lpm.world/.




Written by: Bridget Gomez





