The International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO) commissioned a unique body of research to gain a better understanding of the feeling of wellbeing and connection that meetings professionals from around the globe feel now that in-person meetings are back, and to gain a sense of how they feel they are contributing to the greater good through the delivery of their clients’ events. This supports concurrent industry-wide research projects that initially focused on economic impact and meeting design.
Addressing WHO-5 (mental wellbeing), AAQ-2 (psychological flexibility), MAAS (mindfulness) and the IDGs (Inner Development Goals) in this academic study, has provided a detailed picture of the current state of personal and professional wellbeing within the sample group.
Martin Boyle, CEO of IAPCO, comments: “I am delighted to see that, in the global meetings population, the individual drivers (Inner Development Goals) to enact the UNSDGs exist, and that Wellbeing scores were, on average, consistently high across all working locations surveyed.”
The research team included academics, adult mental healthcare practitioners, experts in team dynamics and events industry professionals.
IAPCO has now launched Phase II of this project to capture further data and gain even more insights and knowledge on this important issue. The more research that is gathered, the more specific programmes and initiatives can be designed and delivered to meet the needs of this workforce into the future.