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Business Travellers

Data is based on international hotel and flight searches made on KAYAK.com.au and associated brands between 09.01.2023 and 15.01.2023 for travel between 01.01.2023 and 31.12.2023 which have been compared to the same search and travel period in 2019.

Top 10 trending destinations for flights and average return economy prices and searches increase compared to 2019:

London, United Kingdom: $2,102 on average (searches increased about 236%)

Paris, France: $1,976 on average (searches increased about 226%)

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: $939 on average(searches increased about 154%)

Istanbul, Turkey: $2,021 on average(searches increased about 146%)

Zagreb, Croatia: $2,786 on average(searches increased about 145%)

Athens, Greece: $2,226 on average (searches increased about 145%)

Dhaka, Bangladesh: $1,678 on average (searches increased about 115%)

Kochi, India: $1,649 on average (searches increased about 98%)

Lahore, Pakistan: $1,851 on average (searches increased about 96%)

Buenos Aires, Argentina: $2,875 on average (searches increased around 95%)

The best time to fly internationally this year is likely to be in October – with an average price of $1,431 for a return economy flight, you could save around $247 (about 31%) if you take off in that month.

International return economy flight prices are up by about 51% since 2019, with January likely being an expensive month to fly overseas.

Hotels – affordable times to travel:

The most affordable month on average for hotel stays internationally is February, with an average price of $216 per night (around 44% increase than the annual average).

Unsurprisingly, December is set to be an expensive month to stay in a hotel overseas this year.

Great deals for hotels:

Hotel stays in Southeast Asian destinations like Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and Kuta are typically under $200 on average per night. Meanwhile, European overnight hotel stays in cities like London and Paris are $300-$400 on average per night.

International hotel prices have only seen about a 6% increase per night and 4-star hotels are the most searched hotel star rating for an international stay.

The most searched international destinations for hotel stays and average pricing:

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ($118 per night on average)

Bangkok, Thailand ($131 per night on average)

Kuta, Bali (approximately $170 per night on average)

Auckland, New Zealand ($177 per night on average)

Denpasar, Bali ($185 per night on average)

New Delhi, India ($203 per night on average)

Singapore ($207 per night on average)

Los Angeles, United States ($252 per night on average)

Tokyo, Japan (approximately $258 per night on average)

London, United Kingdom ($293 per night on average)

According to KAYAK Brand Director Nicola Carmichael:

“Many of us have just returned to work, but we’re not alone in already eyeing our next holiday! For those searching for their next trip, destinations such as London, Paris, Ho Chi Minh City and Istanbul are the ones currently trending.”

Additional KAYAK.com.au search data*:

Most searched for routes from Melbourne and the average return economy prices:

Melbourne to Denpasar, Bali ( $735 on average)

Melbourne to London, United Kingdom ($3,986 on average)

Melbourne to New Delhi, India ($1,730 on average)

Melbourne to Singapore ($796 on average)

Most searched for routes from Sydney and the average return economy prices

Sydney to London, United Kingdom ($2,829 on average)

Sydney to Paris, France ($2,635 on average)

Sydney to Tokyo, Japan ($1,783 on average)

Sydney to Denpasar, Bali ($934 on average)

Sydney to Bangkok, Thailand ($1,378 on average)

Data Methodology
*Based on hotel and flight searches made on KAYAK.com.au and associated brands between 09.01.2023 and 15.01.2023 for travel between 01.01.2023 and 31.12.2023 these have been compared to the same search and travel period in 2019. Percentages are on average and prices are approximate and may vary with time. All flight searches are for travels with departure from any airport in Australia, round-trip and economy class tickets per person. All prices for hotels are average prices for 1 night in a double room. Prices may vary and savings cannot be guaranteed. Percentages for changes in searches are approximate.