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PROMPERÚAccording to the WTTC, the travel and tourism sector can stop and reverse the damage caused to the environment. Moreover, Peru received the 2022 World Travel Awards titles “Best Green Destination in the World” and “Best Cruise Destination in the World.”

80% of the tourism sector depends on nature. Peru is taking a leading role in conserving the environment to provide its visitors with a climate-responsible experience consistent with the significant challenges of the tourism sector and the planet. In addition, PROMPERÚ has been implementing different actions to consolidate Peru as a competitive, sustainable and safe tourist destination with a wide array of unique experiences for international tourists, contributing to Peru’s economic and social development.

In 2021, Machupicchu became the first carbon-neutral destination, and this year, 9 Peruvian destinations were included in the Top 100 Green Destinations. For these reasons, WTTC has urgently called on governments and the private travel and tourism sector to make a decisive contribution to slowing down the deterioration of the planet, the loss of biodiversity and climate change, adopting a Nature Positive approach and becoming one of the “Guardians of Nature.”

Sustainability has become a vital element in development plans and programs in Peru, and the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism (PROMPERÚ) reaffirms its commitment to climate change mitigation by joining the “Guardians of Nature” initiative of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC).

Positive actions can restore the environment, in addition to applying organic solutions in favour of decarbonization to achieve the goal of zero greenhouse gas emissions.




Written by: Matthew Thomas




