January 2022 Total International Inbound Travel Volume (Non-U.S. Resident Arrivals) to the United States was 2,508,236 – a Year-Over-Year Increase of 140.1%, yet just 43.0% of January 2019 Arrivals.
January 2022 International Outbound Travel Volume (U.S. Citizen Visitor Departures) from the United States totalled 4,029,838 – a Year-Over-Year Increase of 69%, yet just 62% of January 2019 Departures.
Data recently released by the National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) show that in January 2022:
International Arrivals to the United States
- Total non-U.S. resident international visitor volume to the United States of 2,508,236 increased 140.1% from January 2021 but was 43.0% of total visitor volume in January 2019.
- January 2022 was the tenth consecutive month that total non-U.S. resident international visitor arrivals to the United States increased on a year-over-year basis.
- Overseas visitor volume to the United States of 1,010,335 increased 173.3% from January 2021.
- Mexico recorded the largest inbound visitor volume of 1,061,693 arrivals (42.3% of total arrivals). Of the top twenty tourist-generating countries, the largest percentage increase was recorded from Brazil (+1,112.0% YOY).
- The largest number of international visitors were from Mexico (1,061,693), Canada (436,208), the United Kingdom (96,769), Brazil (70,214) and India (65,103). Combined, these top five inbound markets accounted for 69.0% of total international arrivals.
International Departures from the United States
- Total U.S. citizen international visitor departure volume from the United States of 4,029,828 increased 69% from January 2021 but was 62% of total departures in January 2019.
- January 2022 was the tenth consecutive month that total U.S. citizen international visitor departures from the United States increased on a year-over-year basis.
- Mexico recorded the largest outbound visitor volume of 2,364,935 (58.7% of total departures). Compared to other international regions, the largest percentage increase was recorded by Canada (+411.8% YOY).
- Combined, Mexico (2,364,935) and the Caribbean (504,289) accounted for 71.2% of total U.S. citizen international visitors departures.
Interested in an interactive data visualization of these statistics? Please visit our ADIS/I-94 Visitor Arrivals Monitors (Country of Residence) and (Country of Citizenship) and our I-92/APIS International Air Passenger Monitor for a more comprehensive and customizable experience.
The ADIS/I-94 Visitor Arrivals Program, in cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), provides a count of visitor arrivals (Overseas+Canada+Mexico) to the United States (with stays of 1-night or more and visiting under certain visa types) and is used to calculate U.S. travel and tourism exports. Visit the ADIS/I-94 Visitor Arrivals Program home page for more information on U.S. visitor arrivals.
The APIS/I-92 Program provides information on non-stop international air traffic between the United States and other countries. The data has been collected from the Department of Homeland Security – Customs and Border Protection’s Advance Passenger Information System (APIS) since July 2010. The APIS based “I-92” system provides air traffic data on the following parameters: the number of passengers, by country, airport, scheduled or chartered, U.S. Flag, foreign flag, citizens and non-citizens. Visit the APIS/I-92 Data Program home page for more information on airline travel to and from the United States.
Edited by: Matthew Thomas