It’s no secret that property prices in first-world countries have been on a steep increase over the past decade, but which cities sees residents pay the most per square metre for their piece of personal space?
A new study by CIA Landlord Insurance set out to index property prices for both renters and buyers in capital cities across the globe in an effort to find out where people pay the most for what they call home.
Monaco is the most expensive capital for renters
Country |
Capital |
Av. price 1 bed flat – center (£) |
Av. price 1 bed flat – outskirts (£) |
Av. price per m2 – rent center* (£) |
Av. price per m2 – rent outskirts* (£) |
Av. utility prices** (£) |
Happiness index score |
Average salary net (£) |
Monaco |
Monaco |
2,973.12 |
2612.10 |
59.46 |
52.24 |
160.55 |
65 |
5,236.33 |
United Kingdom |
London |
1,685.32 |
1275.71 |
33.71 |
25.51 |
187.33 |
17 |
3,126.61 |
United States of America |
Washington D.C. |
1676.61 |
1314.59 |
33.53 |
26.29 |
116.82 |
19 |
4,220.81 |
Hong Kong |
Hong Kong |
1658.27 |
1141.07 |
33.17 |
22.82 |
174.94 |
77 |
2,333.05 |
Singapore |
Singapore |
1584.87 |
1068.23 |
31.70 |
21.36 |
86.17 |
32 |
3,001.88 |
Ireland |
Dublin |
1397.33 |
1206.85 |
27.95 |
24.14 |
122.89 |
15 |
2,515.49 |
Luxembourg |
Luxembourg |
1328.32 |
1056.35 |
26.57 |
21.13 |
192.04 |
8 |
3,370.47 |
The Netherlands |
Amsterdam |
1303.20 |
1055.58 |
26.06 |
21.11 |
142.28 |
5 |
2,785.15 |
Sweden |
Stockholm |
1258.41 |
853.88 |
25.17 |
17.08 |
66.52 |
7 |
2,652.42 |
Denmark |
Copenhagen |
1253.48 |
939.37 |
25.07 |
18.79 |
134.98 |
2 |
2,777.84 |
Haiti |
Port-au-Prince |
1242.07 |
675.83 |
24.84 |
13.52 |
98.64 |
143 |
417.31 |
Norway |
Oslo |
1191.67 |
947.61 |
23.83 |
18.95 |
125.53 |
6 |
2,930.29 |
Switzerland |
Bern |
1155.16 |
829.58 |
23.10 |
16.59 |
140.81 |
3 |
4,032.95 |
New Zealand |
Wellington |
1130.89 |
884.05 |
22.62 |
17.68 |
95.42 |
9 |
2,626.61 |
Iceland |
Reykjavík |
1124.03 |
975.06 |
22.48 |
19.50 |
78.67 |
4 |
2,416.99 |
Individuals living in Monaco are known for lavish lifestyles with expensive goods and fast cars. Their real estate isn’t any different – those renting a condo in Monaco city centre can expect to pay an average of £2,973.12 for a one-bedroom flat. This comes down to £59.46 per square metre per month, as opposed to a whopping £62,860.27 per square metre for those looking to buy a home in the city.
Infamous for co-housing and a property market that seems out of control is the capital of Great Britain. In London, a one-bed flat can cost an average of £1,685.32, or £33.71 per m2 for those renting. The lucky ones with deep pockets in the market to buy a London home however pay an average of £12,189.00 per square metre for a plot of personal space in the city, or £6,058.57 per square metre further out.
The Land of Promise, or the land of pricey real estate? One-bedroom flats in the American capital Washington D.C. go for an average of £1,676.61 in the city centre, or £1,314.59 in the outskirts. This translates to an average price per square metre of £33.53 and £26.29 respectively.
Monaco & Hong Kong are the most expensive capitals for buyers
Country |
Capital |
Av. price per m2- buy center (£) |
Av price per m2 – buy outskirts (£) |
Mortgage Interest Rate (%) |
Av. utility prices** (£) |
Happiness index score |
Average salary net (£) |
Monaco |
Monaco |
62860.27 |
41963.48 |
2.27 |
160.55 |
65 |
5,236.33 |
Hong Kong |
Hong Kong |
24066.14 |
17172.39 |
2.38 |
174.94 |
77 |
2,333.05 |
Singapore |
Singapore |
13876.57 |
7267.55 |
2.03 |
86.17 |
32 |
3,001.88 |
China |
Beijing |
13031.97 |
6438.88 |
5.16 |
32.91 |
84 |
971.05 |
United Kingdom |
London |
12189.00 |
6058.57 |
2.55 |
187.33 |
17 |
3,126.61 |
France |
Paris |
11016.50 |
8114.69 |
1.23 |
155.59 |
21 |
2,429.33 |
Gabon |
Libreville |
10947.96 |
7715.09 |
22.67 |
81.57 |
112 |
407.87 |
Luxembourg |
Luxembourg |
10139.17 |
7164.72 |
1.61 |
192.04 |
8 |
3,370.47 |
Taiwan |
Taipei |
9670.41 |
5880.20 |
1.58 |
62.04 |
24 |
1,209.25 |
Senegal |
Dakar |
9047.35 |
8596.17 |
9.00 |
126.91 |
92 |
388.50 |
Sweden |
Stockholm |
8901.41 |
5047.49 |
2.00 |
66.52 |
7 |
2,652.42 |
Japan |
Tokyo |
8570.01 |
5269.38 |
1.17 |
155.70 |
56 |
2,613.16 |
Norway |
Oslo |
7726.82 |
5008.80 |
2.35 |
125.53 |
6 |
2,930.29 |
Finland |
Helsinki |
7489.87 |