The experiential variety show “Brave New Future” was premiered on Nov. 19, 2021. The short video of the “space-time dialogue” between the guest and his bionic robot has been widely concerned by the audience. People focused their attention on the EX Future Science and Technology Museum in Jinshitan (also known as Golden Pebble Beach), Dalian, a coastal city of Northeast China’s Liaoning Province. Earlier, the museum’s Einstein bionic robot was impressive at the 2021 World Robot Conference in Beijing.
The EX Future Science and Technology Museum is located in Jinshitan Science and Technology Expo Square in Dalian, which is composed of the Dalian Jinshi Wax Image Hall and the EX Future Science and Technology Museum, with an exhibition area of nearly 20,000 square meters, according to Dalian Jinshitan National Tourism Resort Administrative Committee. The museum integrates high-tech achievements such as bionic humanoid robots, 5G cloud robots, interactive science and technology products, etc. Many application scenarios of artificial intelligence in future life are simulated, where tourists come into close contact with future-oriented high and new technologies, visit the research and development and production process of bionic robots, and experience an unprecedented future life of man-machine symbiosis. The whole museum adopts robot one-stop service, including bionic experimental module, artificial intelligence robot research center, bionic robot manufacturing center and other scientific and technological scenes.
At present, the EX Future Science and Technology Museum is popularizing scientific knowledge through the combination of scientific, intellectual and interesting exhibition content and immersive experience, cultivate visitors’ scientific thinking imperceptibly and realize the organic integration of science, culture and art.