When many people hear the word ‘influencer,’ they automatically conjure up images of suntanned, bikini models posing in front of a beach while slurping down a cocktail. However, in recent years we have seen the definition of ‘influencer’ become more robust with the introduction of wider social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube.
A recent study revealed that among children aged 11-16 years, one in five (17%) dreamed of becoming a social media influencer when they grew up. With all these changing definitions and a generation of people wanting to establish influence – how do you stand out from the crowd and become someone people actually want to follow?
There has been a significant change in the way people will be viewing influencers in 2021, says Sam Cawthorn- best-selling author and a globally recognised influencer who has worked with The UN, CommBank and BP on the best methods to build influential leadership.
“People are no longer obsessed with flawless Instagram snaps, perfect captions and un-achievable standards, but instead are looking for influencers who demonstrate authenticity and genuine integrity in everything they do,” Sam says.
Sam believes that our obsession with becoming influencers will only grow in future years, as people turn away from trusting big corporations and instead look to individuals who demonstrate what their values are, and that they can stick to them.
He has written a new book titled People Follow People – a practical 12-step guide to help you become an influencer that people actually want to follow – in response to many people asking how they can become a genuine influencer and grow their following in today’s world.
The tips and advice shared in the book are largely learnt through Sam’s experience, whereby a devastating car accident left him with without his right arm and a severe disability in his leg. However, Sam didn’t let that stop him in any sense, and went on to write five best-selling book and win the Young Australian of the Year Award.
The book also delves into the characteristics of some of the world’s best leaders and how you can harness their skillset to win respect, and tie hearts and minds to you for a lifetime no matter what industry you are in.
Sam’s top 3 secrets to becoming an influencer that people really want to follow – and examples of each – are:
- Build your character, not charisma
Big personalities don’t necessarily mean leadership material. While charisma is a great asset for influencers, over the coming years, consumers will be demanding even greater transparency. A person of strong character who lives and leads honestly and ethically, will outlast someone who only shows us the ‘highlight reel’ of their lives. A great example of this type of influencer, is former First-Lady, Michelle Obama. She championed many fantastic causes while she was First-Lady, yet was authentic, passionate and charismatic in her delivery – a winning combination and why she is beloved around the world. - Build integrity before you build your brand
You brand is important, but it can only get you so far. If you want to be a genuine influencer that builds a loyal following, integrity is the key. A strong personal brand in combination with unwavering integrity will naturally attract people to you. A great example of someone who has build integrity alongside their brand, is author and speaker Tim Ferris. Through his own dissatisfaction with being overworked, Tim developed the 4-Hour Work Week model and built his brand around his shortcomings – with his genuine values at the core of his business strategy.
- Be okay with being small
Unfortunately, social media has taught us that in order to be influential, you need to have a huge audience of followers. However, when it comes to real influence, bigger isn’t always better. As you grow your profile, do the small things well and give them your full attention – don’t skimp on engaging with your audience, communicate regularly and do your research before putting things into market. This will ensure that your audience trust you and can grow with you. Author and TV Host Marie Forleo started her career knowing that there was something big going to happen in her life. As a “self-made millionaire” Forleo started her career “serving drinks, cleaning toilets, and waiting tables” so she can learn about communication and how to win the attention of others. The rest is history. Start small and the big will come.
To find out more or to buy a copy of People Follow People visit https://www.samcawthorn.com or visit any leading retailer.RRP $19.99