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TOURISM Masterclass is an online event organised by COTRI China Outbound Tourism Research Institute providing an update on the changed needs and behaviour of China’s post-virus outbound tourists and about the way to achieve a better and more sustainable engagement with the Chinese outbound market.

The majority of Chinese outbound travellers say that they are eager to start going abroad again. Their demands and expectations however are different from before the CoViD-19 crisis. Family, Nature, Experiences and new Destinations have become more relevant, shopping trips to big cities are seen as less attractive now especially for the more experienced travellers.

The ADVANTAGE: TOURISM Masterclass will explain how deeper knowledge, digitalisation, better adapted products and consequently higher levels of satisfaction can be the base for recommendation marketing, directing the coming wave of Chinese customer to new destinations and services.

The ADVANTAGE: TOURISM Masterclass is free of charge and will be staged three times for the different global regions (75 minutes presentations plus 30 minutes Q&A):

On Dec. 9th 16:00 h (Beijing Time) for Asia and the Pacific,

on Dec. 10th 10:00 h (Berlin Time) for Europe, Africa and the Middle East, and also

on Dec. 10th 11:00 h (New York Time) for North, Central and South America.