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Covid19 has put a cork in almost all of our most-loved annual events and gatherings: but take heart. Fear not, these events are only hibernating until the Corona cloud-cover clears. On the positive side, planning ahead just means we’ll be better equipped to avoid disappointment.

“The anticipation of future travel, is almost, as good as going along.”

Planning in advance can enhance the event even now…

“Go’in down to the country, gotta getaway…!” – song lyric

“The famous New York DJ, ‘Ramblin-with-Gamblin’ came on the am radio, saying the concert in upstate hadn’t even kicked-off-yet, and there were already nearly 100 naked girls’ seen floating in farmer, Yazger’s pond.  I and my pals turned the car around, and headed north…” – Journal entry

In 1969 America put a man on the moon, I was number seven draft choice for the Viet Nam War, and 500,000 of us went to a small gathering of music-lovers in upstate New York known as ‘Woodstock’.

Again, in 2019 the Woodstock ‘happening’ celebrated its 50th Anniversary and people flocked to the site from all over the planet. What was once a seemingly spontaneous combustion one-off-weekend of ‘love and peace’ mingled with music has now created a playground for thousands of nostalgic travellers who are keen to re-capture the moment in time.  We went along again to see, and were excited to discover we were far from alone.  Apparently, annual visits to the site are a bit like a religious pilgrimage to Mecca. The ‘aging of events’ has its’ obvious advantages. Year after year, travellers are keen to go along and have a look for themselves, making for very fertile soil and repeat business. Savvy travel consultants and curb-side local merchants repeatedly ring cash registers.

Plan Early & Enjoy the Event, Long Before You Even Get There

America is loaded to the gunnels with iconic events and annual happenings that can easily suit every travellers’ passion. ‘Move the mouse about the house’ before you even order- up the Uber™  and create an iconic special interest ‘event’ holiday that exceeds expectations.

All fifty States in the USA are keen to attract visitors, so the task of finding details surrounding festivals and major events gets easier. Every state, and thousands of event organisers spread the word on line, which makes uncovering attractive events heaps easier than ever before . Move the mouse around to discover some of them for yourself. Remember, ‘Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performances’ (AKA ‘The 5 Ps” – a well-known Japanese mantra) 

Meanwhile, During Covid Lock-down… ‘The Show Must Go On!”

We’ve picked a palm-full of events which capture the spirit of special moments in America; monumental gatherings, and a cross-section list of special annual happenings in the United States.   There are thousands of other possibilities. Discovering them is almost, as rewarding as going along for the ride…

Burning Man, Nevada Desert

Like a snowball cascading downhill, The Burning Man Festival, created in 1986 has gained popularity and attention world-wide. Planning in advance is essential. The free-spirited happening takes place in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, 100 miles outside of Reno. ‘Freedom’, is the focus of the event, held in the late American summer, touted as ‘an experiment in community, blissful co-existence, and the creative arts’. Tickets are a must, and attendees are required to tote in their own water and supplies. The culminating climax of the event occurs when a match is tossed onto the massive 100 foot high effigies for a brilliant bonfire. The event has ignited increased interest yearly, and what once started with a handful of folk, today boasts over 75.000 revellers.  Bring your own roll of TP and be prepared; naked people may be, plentiful.

Hot Rods and Motor-Heads – “Hot August Nights!”

Very close to the heat of ‘Burning Man’ is the hot-rod adventure known internationally as “Hot August Nights!” in Reno, Nevada. Motor-heads make the Hot Rod pilgrimage, stopping along the route to visit the Grand Canyon in-between.   Also kicked off in 1986, Hot August Nights is a celebration of Rock & Roll and American Hot Rods. The event combines the best of both. Drag races, top-tier bands, swap meets and power-packed hot car parades are only part of the lure. Gambling, goes without saying in Reno, “America’s biggest little city!” Want to get some automotive grease under your fingernails? The organisers are always, looking for a few good volunteers .Just put your hand-up on the site to help out.

Madi Gras, New Orleans

Although the origins of Mardi Gras can be traced to religious ceremonies in medieval Europe, the event which overtakes New Orleans every February is far cry from sanctimonious. Parades are nightly along Bourbon Street in the city’s “French Quarter’ and revellers pour out into the streets, and hang from balconies to grab the best views, and tossed ‘beads’ and goodies tossed to the crowd. Jazz is everywhere, and drinking alcohol on the streets is legal.  New Orleans doubles its population during Madi Gras, so assure to plan ahead and avoid disappointments. 


The “Masters – Augusta, Georgia

On the ‘bucket list’ for any dedicated golfer, is the highly coveted ‘green jacket’

event of golfing greats held in Georgia. Begun in 1934, the greens have morphed into some of the most challenging, and putting has taken place by EVERY famous golfer who’s picked up a club. Tickets are limited, and often times ‘shared’ on alternating days. Spectators alter watching, with playing nearby courses and numerous tour operators organise nothing but tours to chase the best courses to drive those ‘little white balls’. Bring money!

Comic-Con™ San Diego, California

San Diego boasts the best weather of any American city with more sunshine to show for it. But if you love comic books, and out-there-artworks. Comic-Con™ is a must do. The event has become monumental and grown from the basement of the El Cortez Hotel and a handful of collectors and swap-enthusiasts to the International convention Center ‘and beyond’.  The lads from “Big Bang’ go annually!

Sundance Film Festival, Utah

If celebrity spotting is high on your wish list, head for the independent film makers festival, given its name after its patron. Actor Robert Redford promoted the event, to showcase exceptional independent short films, and the event now promotes first-timers, and soon to be greats of the film industry, alongside some of America’s best skiing. Anywhere.



It’s a Wrap! Even during the Pandemic, We Can Keep Planning!

To list all of the annual happenings across America’s 50 states would require volumes. We’ve only highlighted a few of our favourites to grease the wheels. Plan ahead, wrap other travel plans around an anchor event, and do, drop us a postcard when you get around to it. We’d love to hear from you. 

If you have any comments or questions please send me and email: markwilliamsheehan@gmail.com 


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Written by: Mark William Sheehan