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Tourism industry leaders, organizations, and conscious travelers sensed a global awakening unfolding before this pandemic.http://www.tourismlegal.com.au/ Together with its community the Transformational Travel Council (TTC) invites tourism professionals and organizations from all sectors of the industry to join forces, overcome this global crisis, consciously reimagine, and reshape travel.

With the launch of their Global Lighthouses initiative, the TTC is joining the global conversation by providing a virtual safe harbor for tourism and hospitality companies around the world to come together in solidarity, look out at the horizon, and evolve travel. To broaden the reach and scale impact, they have ‘turned-on’ LightHouses in New York City, Moscow, Los Angeles, Seattle, Sydney, Quito, Ottawa, and Kathmandu. TTC Allies facilitates real sharing and meaningful conversations about our unique experiences, pain-points, perspectives, and cultivate ideas on how we can collectively guide the travel industry into the new dawn. These discussions are aimed at helping travel companies big and small reset intentions, reshape operations and adopt practices that deliver regenerative conscious and potentially life-altering experiences to ‘post COVID-19’ travellers.

“It is more important than ever for transformational travel to be practiced and accessible to travellers worldwide,” said Mike Rea, a member of TTC’s new Board of Directors. “The Council is critical for taking transformational travel to the next level and creating deeper meaning, value and sustainability for communities worldwide as we all reset for a post-COVID-19 world.”

Since its inception in Fall 2016 the TTC has built a robust community of TT thought-leaders and practitioners from across the tourism and hospitality space, spanning across sustainable tourism, luxury adventure and wellness. TTC has developed and implemented rigorously innovative educational programs for various industry sectors, including Travel Designers and Destinations, providing accessible frameworks, tools, and resources to help guide the integration of TT practices into next-gen travel businesses.

To help guide and execute on its vision, the TTC proudly introduced its Board of Directors at their TTC Gathering held last February in Washington State, to the 55+ participants. This accomplished and diverse collection of industry leaders include Jake Haupert, Chairman (Co-Founder of TTC/ Explorer-X), Jorge Perez, Vice-Chair, Director (Tierra del Vulcan), Kurt Kutay, Director (Wildland Adventures), Brian Mullis, Director (Guyana Tourism), Mike Rae, Director (Philanthropy), Tom Bryne, Director (Transformational Travel Investor) and Sallie Fraenkel (Mind Body Spirit Network).

Taking part in the annual Gathering was also TTC’s newly appointed Advisory Council, with a compelling roster including Joseph Pine, best selling book author of The Experience Economy, Calliopy Glaros of Philanthropy Without Borders, and Natalia Cohen, accomplished endurance athlete and motivational speaker who has rowed across the Pacific Ocean. (feature on Netflix, Losing Sight of Shore).

“We’ve done great work so far but this is just the beginning. To continue our mission and engage more travellers and tourism leaders, destinations, businesses and tourism professionals on the TTC journey, we must switch on our beacons of light and shine brighter than we ever have before. Our friends, our loved ones, our colleagues, our communities need us to tune in, increase our resonance and collective coherence bring transformational travel into our new way of being and engaging with the world”, says TTC’s co-founder, Jake Haupert.