Fresh Venture Group, home of Snowgoose and Fruit at Work, Australia’s #1 Workplace Fruit Delivery company, has launched its Fruit at Home Box, bringing a vibrant mix of beautiful quality and safe, fresh fruit to Australian homes.
“As the number of virus cases exponentially increases, we know you and your family want to completely avoid touching and eating fruit that has been handled and touched by hundreds or possibly thousands of people,” says Wendy Visontay, Founder of Fruit at Work. “With 20 years of experience in the hygienic handling of fruit, we have the strictest health and safety measures in place from grower to delivery.”
Fruit at Home boxes arrive brimming with Australia’s best quality fruit sourced directly from Australian growers. It means customers enjoy the freshest fruit experience, knowing that they’re also supporting Australia’s rural communities during these difficult times.
“While you’re self-isolating, sick or recovering, it’s so important to maintain a healthy diet,” continues Wendy. “Fruit at Home is packed with essential vitamins and minerals as well as health-boosting flavonoids and antioxidants. We want everyone to stay safe and healthy by staying at home. And to help you eat well, we’re waiving our home delivery fee as we appreciate these are challenging times.”
Fruit at Home is delivered free to doorsteps in two sizes: regular $49 and large $69. Deliveries are available to homes in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney metro locations.
Fruit lovers can order their Fruit at Home boxes for themselves, loved ones or employees by visiting or call 1300-857-776