As a sports travel company, we talk about “memorable moments” a lot!
We’re now in a moment that’s certainly unforgettable, for us all.
Over the last 21 years Sportsnet Holidays has seen 9-11, SARS, Swine flu and the GFC. Although we haven’t seen anything of this magnitude before, we have developed contingencies to ride this storm. Practices are in place to ensure the long-term viability of Sportsnet Holidays. We’ve made sure we can deliver your next holiday when this moment passes. We know we all need one.
Today we have remedied all of our 2020 AFL Travel Packages for our guests. With the advantage of a head office in Melbourne, near our AFL suppliers, in the same stage of government-imposed health measures, has helped expedite this process. Dealing with global suppliers that have gone into government forced isolation or temporary closure has, is and will provide ongoing challenges. Challenges we will overcome. We will resolve all of our customers travel packages, event by event. We’re committed to getting a positive outcome for all our guests. Understand this will take time.
In this moment remember, although we can’t go to the gym, or have a quiet drink with friends, or touch our own face…
And although we can’t go on holiday…
We know we will enjoy these experiences again.
And we’ll appreciate the little things more than ever before.
Stay home for now.
We’ll holiday later.