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Have you caught the travel bug? Do you want to travel around the world safely? Then, this post is just for you as it looks at the potential travel risks and how you can overcome them to have the time of your life. Discovering new places is always a treat. It allows you to expand your horizons. However, the news might put you off. But, the truth is that it is completely possible to travel safely in 2020. Whether you want to explore Africa by visiting Egypt or South Asia by heading over to Pakistan, you can do so by taking precaution. Prevention is always better than the cure as the saying goes and it could not be truer when it comes to traveling. By following some of the practical safety tips in this post, you will get to continue on your journey without having to worry about anything.

Potential Travel Risks

In order to travel safely, it is crucial to first know about the potential travel risks. These include health risks such as catching diarrhea, becoming a victim of scam or theft, facing violence, dealing with logistics issues, natural catastrophes, and political unrest.

Tips to Travel Safely In 2020

1. Research before Traveling
The first rule of traveling safely is research. In this day and age, there is simply no excuse for ignorance about what is going around the globe. It is vital that you make an effort to learn as much as possible about the country you plan on traveling to. Learn about the current political situation over there, the cultural norms, safe accommodations, the safest places for travelers to visit, and the regions which should be avoided at all costs. Thus, you will get to travel on your next journey with your eyes as wide open as possible in order to avoid any surprises.

2. Blend In With the Surroundings
The best way to stay safe during your travels is by blending in with the surroundings. This could not be truer than for countries that are different from the West. Once you have conducted your research, consider how the locals of that particular destination would travel. It is a very good safety tip that will come in handy no matter where you go. If you stick with your massive backpack and a confused look on your face, you will be more vulnerable to scam and theft. Make an effort to truly blend in so as to avoid drawing attention. Moreover, you need to make sure that you dress appropriately in order to ensure that you do not disrespect the locals. This is especially true if you plan on visiting a place of worship such as a Mosque or Temple. Dressing modestly is crucial.

3. Never Flash Your Wealth
One of the mistakes that tourists tend to make is flashing their wealth. Now, this does not just apply to cash, but also to expensive gear and clothing. Pickpockets and scammers will instantly spot you if you flash your wealth. Carry as little cash as possible that even if you get mugged, you would not lose much money and can carry on with your travels.

4. Stay Safe While in Transports
By frequently checking your flight schedule and reading online reviews about local bus and train services, you can avoid travel mishaps. It is always a good idea to book in advance to avoid being the last one standing at a remote bus stop. If you do end up having to hire a local taxi, it is important that you agree on the fare before you get in the vehicle. Moreover, you should also carry a map to avoid getting lost.

5. Look after Your Belongings
Do not make the mistake of carrying a lot of luggage pieces. Get a small durable lock for the luggage and make sure to always keep your luggage locked at all times. Furthermore, do not choose a lock that makes it seem like you have something very valuable in your luggage. Never leave your hand-carry unattended.

6. Choose a Reliable Service
If you plan to travel on a cruise or with a tour agency, make sure that you choose a reliable service such as Voyagers Travel. This will help ensure that you do not get scammed. Find out more about the service and contact their customer support service to find out if they respond to your queries promptly. Choosing a reliable service will take out a lot of the stress that comes with traveling.