There’s a jobs bonanza at Sydney Airport with more than 5,000 vacancies across 800 organisations, with operations continuing to scale up ahead of the July school holiday peak.
Retailers, government agencies, and terminal service providers are in the market for an estimated 3,800 roles, with major employers including Certis, dnata, Menzies and Swissport looking to fill a further 1,200 jobs by the end of July.
To help meet the demand for staff, Sydney Airport is hosting a jobs fair from 10 am to 4 pm on Thursday 16 June on level 3 of the T1 International Terminal. Prospective employees will be able to meet representatives from more than 40 of the largest employers at the airport and apply for a job on the spot.
Sydney Airport CEO Geoff Culbert said: “15,000 jobs were lost at the airport during the pandemic and even though everyone started recruiting heavily when borders looked like opening, we’ve still got 5,000 roles to fill.
“Our security contractor and ground handlers have been advertising jobs since December and have brought 500 staff on board since the start of the year, but they have another 1,200 roles to go which is incredibly challenging in this market.”
The push-on jobs come at an important time for Sydney Airport as preparations for the upcoming July school holiday peak continue to ramp up.
The advice for passengers ahead of the school holidays is to arrive as close as possible to 2 hours prior to departure for domestic flights, and 3 hours prior for international flights.
Importantly, passengers are encouraged not to arrive any earlier, unless specifically advised by their airline, as some carriers will only allow passengers to check-in 3 hours prior to departure for international, and 2 hours prior for domestic.
Arriving at the advised time will also help manage queuing and congestion in the terminals and ensure passengers depart promptly.
“In the lead up to the holidays it will be busy, but we are doing everything we can to make sure people get away on time, including bringing people forward through the queues according to flight priority.
“Labour shortages are hitting every sector in the economy, and we want to thank everyone who is travelling during this period for their patience as we rebuild the sector.”
Further information about the Sydney Airport jobs fair is available at:
Jobs bonanza at Sydney Airport ahead of July school holiday peak