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CRAFT, Kimpton Maa-Lai Bangkok’s sociable lounge, will serve up an expansive range of Australian coffee concoctions and tasty Aussie specialties for a limited time in honour of International Coffee Day.

To celebrate International Coffee Day on 1 October, CRAFT will be offering Aussie coffees and munchie favourites throughout October 2024. Limited-time caffeinated elixirs include (if you know, you know) “The Magic” – a ristretto double shot with a dash of milk – and “Bulletproof Coffee,” a full-flavored, high-calorie, low-carb drink with a dollop of butter – a keto-friendly drink specifically designed to deliver an injection of high energy that lasts throughout the day. Quintessentially Australian snacks to accompany include a filling Aussie Beef Pie and Vegemite Pinwheel, luscious Vanilla Slice and Lamington, along with a plethora of other beloved Oz treats.

Kimpton Maa-Lai Bangkok’s convivial lounge CRAFT is open daily from 7:00 a.m. until midnight. For more information or reservations, call 02 056 9999, email taste.kimptonmaalai@ihg.com or visit www.kimptonmaalaibangkok.com.