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Cruise industry bounces back to pre-pandemic levels.The cruise industry, once severely crippled by the COVID-19 pandemic, is set to make a dramatic comeback in 2024, reaching pre-pandemic levels with over $30 billion in revenue and 29 million users. This remarkable recovery signals a significant turning point for the sector, according to data from Stocklytics.com.

From Collapse to Comeback

The onset of COVID-19 in early 2020 dealt a devastating blow to the cruise industry, causing revenues and user numbers to plummet by nearly 90%. The recovery process was arduous and prolonged, surpassing the recovery timelines of other tourism segments such as hotels, package holidays, and vacation rentals, which returned to pre-pandemic figures by 2023.

In contrast, the cruise sector continued to navigate through turbulent waters. A Statista Market Insights survey revealed that in 2023, the global cruise industry generated $25.1 billion in revenue—still $2 billion shy of 2019’s figures. The number of cruise passengers also lagged, with 24 million people cruising in 2023, 5 million fewer than before the pandemic.

A Year of Transformation

However, 2024 is poised to be a transformative year for the cruise industry. Statista forecasts a robust recovery, with the industry projected to generate $30.1 billion in revenue, marking a 20% increase from 2023. This resurgence positions the cruise market as the fastest-growing segment within the tourism industry.

In comparison, hotels are expected to see an 8.6% year-over-year revenue growth, while package holidays and vacation rentals are projected to grow by 7.3% and 6.1%, respectively. The anticipated 29 million cruise passengers in 2024 will return the industry to its pre-pandemic user levels.

Global Market Dynamics

The United States remains the dominant force in the global cruise market, projected to generate $15.1 billion in revenue, accounting for half of the total market. Following the U.S., Germany, China, and the United Kingdom are each expected to contribute approximately $2.5 billion in revenue.

Investor Optimism and Stock Market Gains

The optimistic market outlook has reignited investor confidence, propelling the stock prices of leading cruise companies to new heights. Royal Caribbean Group, the most significant player in the industry with a 20% market share, experienced an 87% year-over-year increase in its stock price, adding more than $18 billion to its market capitalization. As of last week, Royal Caribbean’s market cap stood at approximately $38 billion, a significant rise from $20 billion in the same period the previous year.

Similarly, Carnival Corporation, the second-largest player in the cruise market, saw its stock price increase by 34%, adding over $5 billion to its value. This resurgence underscores the renewed investor confidence and the positive outlook for the cruise industry.


The cruise industry’s dramatic recovery in 2024 highlights its resilience and ability to overcome unprecedented challenges. With projected revenues surpassing $30 billion and a return to pre-pandemic user levels, the sector is poised for a promising future. The whole story and detailed statistics are available at Stocklytics.com.

This resurgence marks a pivotal moment for the cruise industry and reinforces its vital role in the global tourism landscape.




Written by: Yves Thomas





