Superplastic, the IP factory renowned across animated entertainment, music, fashion and collectible art toys, announces a strategic partnership with AREA15, an immersive entertainment company, that will introduce its animated characters IRL for the first time. As part of the partnership, Superplastic will open an experiential space within the AREA15 entertainment district later this year, creating an all new type of experience, blending its signature brand of mischief and tomfoolery with art, hype culture and fashion.
Located minutes from the Las Vegas Strip, AREA15 is a vibrant playground that entertains more than 3 million visitors annually. The new Superplastic experience will join AREA15’s curated collection of interactive attractions, walk-thru art exhibits, tech-driven experiences, events and entertainment, unique food and beverage offerings, and globally recognized immersive experiences such as Meow Wolf’s Omega Mart, Illuminarium, Five Iron Golf, Dueling Axes and much more.
“We’re thrilled to expand the Superplastic brand and characters to immersive entertainment,” says Superplastic CEO Jennifer van Dijk, “There is no better partner for us in this space than AREA15—we have a deep interest in growing intellectual property and entertainment that blends the digital and physical worlds. This is something we can powerfully scale over time.”
“We welcome the addition of Superplastic to our growing collection of top-tier, globally recognized brands who have selected AREA15 as the location for their first-ever experiential, brick-and-mortar attractions,” added Winston Fisher, CEO, AREA15. “Soon, our millions of visitors will have the thrill of interacting with Superplastic’s digital character universe in real life and in completely new and engaging ways.”