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SodaStream, the world’s #1 sparkling water brand*, is bubbling with excitement to announce the expansion of its flavour portfolio with the launch of new bubly drops™ in Australia.

Following the global success of bubly ready-to-drink sparkling water, Aussie SodaStream fans can now add bubly flavours to their carbonated water at home with the first local line of bubly drops™ including: limebubly™, blackberrybubly™ and passionfruitbubly™.

The new bubly drops were developed in collaboration with PepsiCo and SodaStream research and development teams to deliver a premium, fruitful, and tasty product that gives beverages an extra sparkle. Emulating the canned bubly sparkling water fans know and love, the delicious drops contain no calories or sweeteners.

SodaStream Australia’s Marketing Manager, Holly Walker, said: “SodaStream and bubly share brand values rooted in playfulness and social good. With the launch of bubly drops to the Australian SodaStream platform, our customers can explore a new range of fun, healthy and sustainable sparkling water options in the comfort and convenience of their own home.”

“We know Australians love sparkling beverages, particularly unsweetened ones, so we are committed to continuing to expand our flavour portfolio to provide ongoing inspiration and customisation options. Our new bubly offering is a direct result of this brand promise and reinforces our commitment to bringing consumers their preferred beverage choices that are better for them and for the planet.”

Directions for use

  1. Fill a SodaStream carbonating bottle to the water line (840ml), connect it to a preferred SodaStream maker and, with the press of a button or pull of a lever, ‘sparkle’ the water to taste.
  2. Choose a bubly drops flavour of choice and add ¾ teaspoon of syrup into the bottle. Adjust to taste, but remember: a little goes a long way!

The perfect way to elevate a sparkling water experience, limebubly™blackberrybubly™ and passionfruitbubly™ drops are now exclusively available at sodastream.com.au

One 40ml bubly drops™ bottle makes approximately 12-litres** of bubly sparkling water.

RRP: $7.95 AUD each

*By volume.
**when prepared according to instructions.