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ChristchurchNZ Business Events - logoIn the heart of New Zealand, Christchurch embarks on a pioneering journey, marking the first anniversary of its transformative Tūwhana Programme. This initiative has quickly become a lighthouse of global connectivity, attracting the world’s thought leaders to its shores and fostering unparalleled innovation. As we dive deep into the ethos and achievements of Tūwhana, it’s clear that Christchurch is not just hosting events; it’s nurturing a regenerative economy that promises prosperity for all its inhabitants and the planet.

Mayor Phil Mauger and Alex Tan.

Mayor Phil Mauger and Alex Tan.

At its core, Tūwhana is more than a programme; it’s a movement. Inspired by the spirit of collaboration inherent in waka ama, its name resonates with the call to unite and uplift. This ethos has attracted powerhouses from various sectors, including the latest inclusions, Mark Rocket, a vanguard in the aerospace industry, and Professor Alex Tan, a luminary in international relations.

These champions, alongside the existing advocates, are weaving a tapestry of opportunity, promoting Christchurch as a beacon for business events on the global stage. Their work transcends mere event planning, embedding deep connections within industries, fostering knowledge exchange, and paving the way for a future where innovation thrives.

Reflecting on the programme’s inception, Megan Crum, Head of Business Events at ChristchurchNZ, shares her pride in the tangible impacts. The programme’s success lies not just in numbers but in the meaningful engagements it has facilitated, connecting Christchurch’s visionaries with the world and vice versa.

The programme celebrated its milestone with an event graced by Christchurch Mayor Phil Mauger, where the community welcomed Rocket and Tan into the fold. Their inclusion symbolizes the programme’s broadening horizon, tapping into the burgeoning aerospace sector and the intricate geopolitics of Asia-Pacific relations.

These advocates are part of a larger ensemble with unique perspectives and expertise. From Bridget Williams’ dedication to sustainable development to Tanya McCall’s leadership in health and Kate Reid’s passion for palliative care, each advocate embodies a facet of Christchurch’s multifaceted ambition.

Mayor Phil Mauger and Mark Rocket.

Mayor Phil Mauger and Mark Rocket.

This initiative is not just about attracting events; it’s about laying the groundwork for a sustainable, innovative future. As the Tūwhana Programme enters its second year, its advocates are poised to continue their vital work, promoting Christchurch’s unique strengths and forging a lasting legacy.

Christchurch stands at a crossroads of opportunity and challenge. The Tūwhana Programme, with its blend of local wisdom and global outreach, is steering the city towards a future where economic development and ecological sustainability go hand in hand. As we look ahead, it’s clear that this programme is not just shaping Christchurch’s future; it’s inspiring a global movement towards more collaborative, innovative, and sustainable ways of living and working.

In conclusion, the Tūwhana Programme is a testament to Christchurch’s resilience and forward-thinking ethos. As it celebrates its first anniversary, it stands as a beacon of hope, a model of innovation, and a catalyst for change for New Zealand and the world. The city’s journey is a compelling narrative of unity, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to a regenerative future—a narrative that the world needs now more than ever.




Written by: Octavia Koo





