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World Travel & Tourism CouncilIn the dynamic world of Travel and Tourism, women are at the forefront, shaping the industry’s future with resilience, innovation, and leadership. As the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) commemorates International Women’s Day, the spotlight turns to the indelible mark women leave on the sector, heralding a new era of growth and inclusivity.

With nearly 40% of the global Travel & Tourism workforce comprised of women, the industry emerges as a beacon of gender inclusivity, showcasing a remarkable uptick in female participation. From 2010 to 2019, the sector witnessed a 24% increase in direct female employment, skyrocketing from 38.6 million to 47.8 million. This surge underscores the sector’s role as a significant employer of women worldwide, offering jobs and careers that flourish over time.

Hospitality, the heart of Travel & Tourism, boasts the lion’s share of female employment within the industry. A staggering 52% of all women in the sector found their calling in hospitality in 2019, underscoring the importance of this segment in empowering women across the globe.

Julia Simpson, WTTC President and CEO, eloquently highlights the transformative power of women in the sector. “Women in Travel and tourism are the backbone of the industry, steering it towards a more resilient and inclusive future,” Simpson states. As the industry evolves, the role of women becomes increasingly pivotal, shaping a sustainable path for Travel and tourism.”

Moreover, the WTTC reveals a promising trend: women’s participation in Travel & Tourism outpaces their representation in the global workforce. This is especially pronounced in the Americas, where women’s share of employment in the sector eclipses that of the broader economy, showcasing the industry’s potential as a catalyst for gender equality and empowerment.

As we celebrate the contributions of women to Travel & Tourism, the industry stands as a testament to the power of inclusivity. The WTTC’s commitment to fostering high-wage jobs, promoting gender equality, and encouraging entrepreneurship among women enriches the sector and sets a precedent for other industries to follow.

Women’s journey in Travel and tourism is one of empowerment, resilience, and innovation. Their contributions are vital to the industry’s growth and instrumental in driving societal change, making Travel and tourism a champion of gender inclusivity on the global stage.




Written by: Soo James





