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In the mountains, you can feel the rhythm of the seasons. Living in and with nature takes on a different meaning when faced with towering peaks that remind us how small we are. This deep awareness and gratitude for all that nature has to offer, and all that can be experienced within it is deeply rooted in the philosophy of the HUBERTUS Mountain Refugio in Balderschwang.

The HUBERTUS Mountain Refugio is in the cycle of the seasons.

With HolisticLife, host Christa Traubel has developed a wellness concept based on nature and its constant change. It doesn’t focus on short-term relaxation but rather on a holistic approach that includes nutrition, exercise, and coaching—combined with natural healing methods such as Ayurveda and TCM, which are not only present in the Mountain Spring Spa but also at the breakfast buffet all by the holistic approach.

The Annual Cycle Festivals.

The so-called annual cycle festivals originate from the Celtic faith and mark turning points in the course of the year. Some are well known, such as Walpurgis Night at the end of April or the summer solstice/midsummer in June. Others, like Samhain, the Celtic New Year, are celebrated by most people as Halloween.

At HUBERTUS, there are regular events to the eight festivals of the annual cycle, inviting you to pause and reflect, and are topped off with a 6-course annual cycle menu.

The “Rauhnächte” (Twelve Nights) at HUBERTUS.

Among the traditions that have developed around the annual festivals are the so-called “Rauhnächte”. The “Rauh” refers to the incense smoking and fumigation that is part of most rituals.

The holidays include the period commonly referred to as the ” time between the years “. Eleven days or 12 nights that align the 345-day lunar year with the 365-day solar year. “These days are not subject to the laws of the sun or the moon and have therefore been considered ‘given days’ since immemorial,” the Traubel family describes this time. Traditionally, it is a time of closure and new beginnings as it spans the turn of the year (from the night of December 24-25 to the night of January 5-6). Each “Rauhnacht” is associated with a month of the following year and is seen as an omen.

On their blog, the family has summarized the typical night rituals and poses questions inviting contemplation and meditation.

Portrait of the HUBERTUS Mountain Refugio.

Located in one of the smallest communities in Germany, the HUBERTUS offers a place to retreat from the daily grind. “Come up to come down” is the motto that can be felt everywhere. Whether in the hotel with its cozy rooms, food, culinary delights, or the recently reopened Mountain Spring Spa.

The latter is particularly striking for its unusual architecture. But the story behind it is no less impressive. It was built two years after an avalanche destroyed the old spa area in 2019.

“We live in the mountains. Nature defines and shapes our lives. And it always has. Of course, it also plays a role in the decisions we make. Especially now, after the avalanche, nature is even more present in our minds, both in a positive and negative way,” says owner Marc Traubel in the Green Pearls® interview.

This closeness to nature, the respect for it, and its protection are reflected in the hotel’s daily choices, both large and small. The Traubel family believes in using only local products for food and most of the materials used in the hotel. Even the swimming pool and natural pond water is drawn from the hotel’s mountain stream.

The HUBERTUS experience is rounded out by an extensive program of activities ranging from guided hikes and cooking workshops to yoga retreats, lectures, and live music evenings. The unifying element is nature’s rhythm, the seasons’ course, and their effect on us.









