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Nikol Onodi at home in StuttgartTFE Hotels has officially inaugurated its ‘Go Global’ International Exchange program in a remarkable step towards cultural immersion and leadership enrichment. This trailblazing initiative sets a new precedent in the hospitality sector, fostering a cross-cultural exchange of knowledge and skills between Germany and Australia.

Michelle Bevan, the Chief People Officer at TFE Hotels, expressed her enthusiasm for the overwhelming response the program received internally. According to Bevan, ‘Go Global’ is more than just an exchange program; it is a gateway for team members to explore the world, immerse themselves in diverse cultures, and carve out a global career path with the backing of TFE’s extensive international network.

Adina Bondi GM Diana Quinones Silva

Adina Bondi GM Diana Quinones Silva.

Under this program, the participants will engage in professional development and experience cultural exchange personally. They will be able to strengthen their leadership skills and adaptability by working in new environments, thereby enhancing their global perspective.

Diana Quinones-Silva, the Cluster General Manager of Adina Apartment Hotel Bondi and Coogee, was the first to embark on this journey. Switching her familiar Australian backdrop for Germany, Diana has brought new insights to Adina’s Munich, Berlin, and Dusseldorf properties. Her firsthand experience with German culture and operational practices is a testament to the program’s success in fostering professional growth and cultural understanding.

Following Diana, Jason Stobbs, Regional Revenue Manager from Perth, has recently set off for Berlin. His enthusiasm for the opportunity mirrors the program’s core ethos – a blend of professional advancement and personal exploration. Stobbs’ anticipation of contributing his knowledge and absorbing new experiences encapsulates the spirit of ‘Go Global.’

TFE’s initiative is also reciprocated, with participants from Adina Europe venturing to Australia. Nikol Onodi from Adina Stuttgart and Angela Di Gennaro from Berlin have already started their Australian leg of the exchange. Their experiences range from braving Australian heatwaves to engaging with diverse hotel operations across Sydney, Brisbane, and the Gold Coast. The program focuses on professional growth and encourages participants to explore and appreciate the local culture and landmarks.

TFE Hotels’ commitment to employee development is evident in the enthusiastic feedback from its team members. The ‘Go Global’ program is just one facet of TFE’s broader strategy to enhance team benefits, which include improved parental leave, flexible working arrangements, and wellness partnerships. This holistic approach to employee welfare and development positions TFE Hotels as a leader in the hospitality industry.

The success of ‘Go Global’ resonates with the company’s vision of nurturing young leaders and connecting teams across borders. The program’s initial success and the high interest in subsequent intakes reflect its potential to shape the future of international hospitality leadership.

For more information on career opportunities with TFE Hotels, interested individuals can visit TFE Hotels Careers.




Written by: Yves Thomas





