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  1. Darwin Jet Ski 1Outback beach hopping in the Red Centre

“I loved Ellery Creek Big Hole and Ormiston Gorge in Tjoritja (West MacDonnell Ranges), just outside of Alice Springs. They both give the best ‘oasis in the desert’ vibes, perfect for outback beach-hopping and a refreshing summer dip! Jumping in the water and having it essentially to myself was incredible. The water was so cold and fresh, plus I didn’t have to fight the crowds for the best spot on the beach where I could lie back and take in the gorgeous surrounding scenery. Dare I say – better than Bondi Beach?” 

  1. Culture cruising in Darwin

“I like to think of myself as a real culture queen, so exploring the colourful streets and café-filled laneways of Darwin and its incredible street art scene was epic! I love all things bright, bold and fun, so the amazing work of street artists displayed throughout the city was a feast for the senses and a real treat! So much of Darwin’s street art is creative and vibrant, but it also expresses local culture, stories and deeper meaning.” 

  1. Getting wet and wild in Litchfield National Park

“Litchfield is so close to Darwin, you can easily drive there. But for me, flying in a chopper from Darwin to Litchfield was gorgeous! You can see the most amazing colours and out-of-this-world waterfalls. And then being able to land and take a dip in a private waterfall, Sandy Creek, was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The water was so warm yet so refreshing. The ultimate ‘summer in the NT’ slay. 

  1. Croc-spotting along Kakadu’s Yellow Water Billabong

“I was terrified of the crocs in Kakadu’s Yellow Water Billabong – terrified because of how much I loved them! Cruising along the billabong and taking in all the summer wildlife was super fun, plus I got to brush up on my sensory croc-spotting skills; I’m not yet a master croc-spotter but I’m sure I’ll conquer the challenge eventually!” 

  1. Connecting with Country in Kakadu

“I adored spending time with Uncle Johnny from Yibekka Kakadu Tours in Burrungkay, checking out the ancient Aboriginal rock art and learning more about the oldest living culture on earth. I then ended the day taking in the most incredible sunset view at Nawurlandja lookout – an absolute must for the bucket list.”