Tourism WA is running its second year of the ‘MD for a Day’ program – a new youth development and leadership initiative, showcasing the variety of roles and opportunities available to young West Australians within the state’s tourism industry.
The annual program positions the WA tourism sector as an aspirational career choice and aims to raise the profile of the industry among local secondary school students to support building a
pipeline of future workers.
This year’s participant is Loc Vo, a 16-year-old student at Girrawheen Senior High School. On Tuesday, 28 November, Loc will shadow Tourism WA Managing Director Carolyn Turnbull for a
day to gain insight into the operations of WA’s State Tourism Organisation and the sector overall.
This includes exposure to the diverse range of activities the agency carries out across its Marketing, Events, Aviation, Strategy & Engagement and Destination Development divisions.
Tourism WA Managing Director Carolyn Turnbull said the ‘MD for a Day’ initiative is all about giving aspiring young leaders an opportunity to learn firsthand about the many different elements of the tourism industry, and gain insight into the varied and exciting career paths the sector can offer.
“I am committed to raising the profile of the sector among secondary school students – they are the leaders of tomorrow, and it is so important to continually build a pipeline of workers to support
the industry into the future,” said Ms Turnbull.
“Loc is an inspiring young leader with a real passion for tourism. I look forward to working with equally dedicated young people as the initiative continues to create opportunities for students for
years to come.”
Loc Vo, year 11 student and 2023 MD for a Day said their ideal tourism position would be a Tour Operator Guide in Western Australia.
“I am looking forward to showing visitors from all over the world my expertise and passion as I explore our magnificent state’s various landscapes, thriving cities, and rich cultural heritage,”
said Loc.
“The MD for a Day program is a great initiative to explore other potential career opportunities within the tourism industry. As well as gaining practical experience, I am eager to learn from the
sector’s experts.
“I look forward to following Managing Director Carolyn Turnbull for a full day, meeting local operators and hearing firsthand about support for tourism in WA.”
The MD for a Day program complements a range of key initiatives and activities to target youth and grow skilled future workforce through the Tourism Workforce Development Program, including:
• The Chef Ambassador Program, an in-school cooking demonstration
• An ongoing program of in-school Tourism and Hospitality Careers Promotion Program
• Participation at a series of key Perth and regional job and career expos throughout the year and
• Delivery of a series of regional job ready and upskilling workshops throughout the state in partnership with the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA.
Launched in August 2022, the Tourism Workforce Development Program is delivered through Tourism WA and continues to fund short-term programs to address the worker shortage in the
visitor economy, while also supporting longer-term initiatives aimed at encouraging young people to consider hospitality and tourism careers.