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Solomon Airlines A320Solomon Airlines has announced the appointment of Airline Rep Services as its General Sales Agent (GSA) for the airline’s passenger business in Fiji.

The appointment includes provision of sales, marketing, and sales support services specific to the Fiji market with a focus on supporting the travel trade in Fiji.

Gabrielle Vicari, VP of Airline Rep Services said: “We are proud to be representing the national carrier of the Solomon Islands in Fiji and look forward in growing Solomon Airlines presence in the South West Pacific region as its GSA partner”.

Solomon Airlines Acting CEO Napaleon Padabela said the appointment will support the airline’s strategy to strengthen its presence and outreach to customers in the South West Pacific region.

“As we continue to rebuild our regional network, we will work closely with the trade in all markets,” Mr Padabela said.

“As a a leading airline GSA company with strong working relationships across many trade partners, Airline Rep Services is a good fit for our Fiji requirements and will become an important extension of our own team.” he said.

Airline Rep Services can be contacted at (679) 6722767, by emailing solomonairlines@airlinerepservices.com or by visiting their Fiji office located at 27 Queens Road, Martintar, Nadi.