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As part of Business Event Sydney’s (BESydney) Change Starts Here agenda, it has engaged a Social Impact Specialist to drive the Social Impact strategy from the bidding stage all the way through, with a focus on measurement. 

Tina Demetriou will be joining the team from 21 November bringing a strong background in event sustainability and community stakeholder strategy and engagement.

The Social Impact Specialist role was created by BESydney to be the company’s social impact subject matter expert providing guidance, from event bidding to delivery and beyond. Tina will focus initially on building out the Sydney business events impact ecosystem, before working with the client engagement team and global clients to establish shared impact intentions and action plans to impact realisation and measurement.

The appointment timing is ideal as BESydney begins a week of high-level Social Impact workshops with key industry partners and staff with #MEET4IMPACT’s Co-founder and CEO Genevieve Leclerc and Senior Social Impact Consultant Jessica Vandy who are in Sydney 20-25 November. 

BESydney CEO, Lyn Lewis-Smith said, “We are so looking forward to taking our Social Impact agenda to the next level with Tina on board. It was wonderful last month to have our work to-date recognised with the inaugural Global Destination Sustainability Movement (GDS-Movement) and #MEET4IMPACT Impact Award for our commitment to legacy and impact through business events.”

“We are loving the journey with Genevieve and her team taking us from foundational theory to the world’s latest thinking and giving us the tools to tailor our unique way of working. Now, with Tina’s arrival, we move to the fun part of putting it all into action! And of course, it wouldn’t be BESydney if we weren’t underpinning all this with a strategic measurement framework for tracking our business event beyond tourism impact over time,” she added.