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Tourism Solomons LogoIn a strategic and visionary move, Tourism Solomons and Solomon Airlines have joined forces to initiate an unparalleled TV/digital campaign, marking a pivotal moment in the promotional endeavours of Solomon Islands’ tourism. This monumental campaign is set to unfold its grandeur in conjunction with the 2023 Pacific Games, ensuring the Solomon Islands basks in the global limelight.

The campaign stands as a testament to the commitment and innovative spirit of both entities, seeking to propel the Solomon Islands’ tourism sector to new heights. Designed to tap into the immense potential of its primary visitor markets, the campaign is meticulously timed to synchronize with the international TV coverage of the 2023 Pacific Games, guaranteeing maximum visibility and impact.

At the heart of this ambitious campaign are East Coast Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and Fiji – the critical source markets for Solomon Islands’ tourism. The two-tiered promotional strategy is poised to launch ahead of the two-week sporting extravaganza, commencing on 19th November and extending its influence until mid-December 2023.

Tourism Solomons and Solomon Airlines have crafted a comprehensive digital strategy to funnel traffic directly to the official tourism portal, www.visitsolomons.com.sb. This digital odyssey encompasses various platforms, including the Google Display Network, Facebook, and Instagram, each playing a vital role in highlighting the adventurous spirit of the Solomon Islands. From diving, surfing, and fishing to the exhilarating experience of trekking, the campaign promises to unveil the diverse adventure portfolio of the islands.

In a groundbreaking partnership with SBS Australia, the official broadcaster of the Pacific Games, the campaign is set to feature TV spots and online advertisements, integrating seamlessly into the live streaming experience. This collaboration aims to captivate audiences with picturesque scenes of the Solomon Islands, enticing them with a call to action that leads to specially curated land/air travel packages.

Napoleon Padabela, Acting CEO of Solomon Airlines, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “We are eager to unveil the splendor of Solomon Islands and Solomon Airlines to the world through the Pacific Games coverage. This campaign is a golden opportunity to elevate awareness and showcase our country as a prime leisure destination, coupled with easy air access.”

Dagnal Dereveke, CEO (acting) of Tourism Solomons, underscored the campaign’s significance, describing it as a “monumental milestone for our tourism sector.” He further emphasized the campaign’s ability to resonate with travellers seeking unique, experiential travel opportunities, setting the Solomon Islands apart from its South Pacific counterparts.

“This campaign marks a pivotal shift in our international marketing strategy, and we are thrilled to collaborate with Solomon Airlines on this venture. Though it may seem a modest step in comparison to other destination campaigns, from the Solomon Islands’ perspective, it is a quantum leap towards rejuvenating our tourism industry and restoring visitor numbers to pre-pandemic levels,” Dereveke added confidently.

Crafted with precision and creativity, the TV campaign has been brought to life by Melbourne-based agency Cherryielding, ensuring that every frame captures the essence and allure of the Solomon Islands. As the islands prepare to take centre stage during the 2023 Pacific Games, this campaign stands as a beacon of innovation, ambition, and the relentless spirit of Solomon Islands’ tourism and aviation sectors, poised to leave an indelible mark on the global travel landscape.




Written by: Jill Walsh





