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As Chinese visitors begin to travel here once again, the Australian tourism industry will need to refresh its understanding of their needs, expectations and path to purchase. This week ATEC will focus on ‘what you need to know about the China market’ in its latest Tourism Tutorial series.

Open to the entire industry, the tutorial will hear from eventing agency, The Venues Collection’s Lilu Fu, Jessica Xue from Chinese marketing specialist The Gaibo Agency, Rob Dean from The CaPTA Group and Kristin Chen from Journey Beyond.

“The return of Chinese visitors has been highly anticipated as we can see from the high level of interest in this tutorial,” ATEC Managing Director Peter Shelley said.

“What this tutorial offers is the most up to date information from people working on the ground, day-to-day, in engaging the Chinese visitor market – there is no other place that you can get this kind of valuable information from experts in the field.”

The Tutorial provides a sound platform for further, in-depth learning though ATEC’s online, self-directed China Host program which explores the market though three modules – Market & Culture Ready, Product & Service Ready and Trade Ready.

To register for ATEC’s Tourism Tutorial on Wednesday 20 September at 11am click here. For more information on ATEC’s China Host program head to https://traininghub.atec.net.au/courses/atec-s-china-host