Singapore’s Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) awarded its Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) certification to FCM Singapore. The DPTM is given to businesses whose data protection processes demonstrate compliance with Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA).
The audit was conducted by an IMDA-appointed external assessment and FCM Singapore had to demonstrate sound and accountable data protection practices. This included written documentation on policies and processes that are implemented and practised on the ground based on a set of robust and comprehensive criteria such as having a trained Data Protection Officer to handle stakeholders’ personal data, the disclosure of data with consent obtained and purpose made known, appropriate measures for protection, retention, and disposal of data and more.
“We are proud that FCM Singapore is the first travel management company to be certified. We are one of the few global enterprises to meet Singapore’s regulations out of 194 companies that have been certified,” said Abdel Abatouy, FCM Asia’s Chief Technology & Information Officer.
“Attaining the DPTM certificate allows FCM Singapore to publicly demonstrate accountable data protection practices. Today, we have access to more data than ever, making it paramount to ensure that business travellers’ data is used responsibly, and measures are taken to ensure its protection,” added Abatouy.