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Anton Bruckner, born in 1824 in Ansfelden, Upper Austria, was a visionary composer known for his symphonies that embodied the grandeur of Austria’s natural beauty. However, Bruckner’s genius was not fully appreciated during his lifetime. He faced relentless criticism and skepticism from some of his contemporaries, who found his music complex and unconventional. One night during a performance of the 3rd Symphony at the Vienna Musikverein, most of the audience and even part of the orchestra, the Vienna Philharmonic, left the concert hall.

His devout Catholic faith and humble demeanor also made him an easy target for critics. Yet, it was precisely these qualities that fueled his creativity, allowing him to craft symphonies that were truly ahead of their time.

Throughout his career, Bruckner held various positions as an organist and composer in Austrian cities such as Linz and Vienna. His journey was marked by both personal and professional challenges, but his unwavering dedication to his craft allowed him to create a musical legacy that continues to captivate audiences today.

Bruckner Year 2024
Looking ahead to 2024, Austria is gearing up for a spectacular celebration: Bruckner Year. This special year marks the 200th birthday of Anton Bruckner, and Austria is pulling out all the stops to honor this musical genius.

During Bruckner Year 2024, you can expect a wide array of events, concerts, and exhibitions dedicated to Bruckner’s life and music. In Upper Austria, his birthplace, there will be a series of concerts held in historical venues that resonate with Bruckner’s own experiences. Imagine sitting in the very church where he served as an organist, listening to his music come to life.

In Vienna, the capital of classical music, you can attend orchestral performances featuring Bruckner’s symphonies in iconic venues such as the Musikverein and the Wiener Hofmusikkapelle. These concerts promise to be a sensory journey through the composer’s profound and emotional compositions.

A posthumous Rockstar?
Now that you have learned about Anton Bruckner and his 200th birthday celebration next year – we will solve the mystery of the relation between his 5th Symphony and “Seven Nation Army”. You probably all know the riff of the rock song that can not only be found on every rock playlist but is also a fan favorite when it comes to stadium chants. That riff is based on the 5th Symphony by Anton Bruckner – don’t believe us? Listen for yourself!

Bruckner was not only a musical genius but he also had a life full of fascinating quirks. Perhaps one of the most surprising aspects of his life was his penchant for romance. A number of wedding proposals to women much younger than himself also provided much fodder for gossip. In all, nine proposals were documented, and not one was accepted. He had a love for beer that was almost as profound as his passion for music. It’s said that when visiting a tavern, he drank 3 litres of the liquid gold.

Lastly, Bruckner’s enduring influence on Austrian culture can be seen in the numerous streets, alleys, squares, and paths bearing his name across the country – more than 60 alone in Upper Austria. These locations not only pay tribute to his musical legacy but also serve as a testament to his everlasting impact on the Austrian landscape.

To get a deeper understanding for Anton Bruckner and which places shaped his life and inspired his music, follow his footsteps through Austria, from Ansfelden and Linz, all the way to Vienna.