In a groundbreaking move for Australian tourism to China, Wendy Wu Tours has secured an unprecedented arrangement to oversee China Visa processing for its clientele. This monumental deal, the first of its kind since 2018, has the industry buzzing, spotlighting Wendy Wu Tours as Australia’s leading tour specialist for China.
Notably, this exclusive privilege means Australian tourists, under the aegis of Wendy Wu Tours, will no longer have to endure the cumbersome task of scheduling and attending visa appointments in person. An industry insider referred to this update as “the most significant since China eased its borders on 15th March 2023.”
A name synonymous with China-bound tourism from Australia, the UK, and New Zealand, Wendy Wu Tours has been at the forefront of the industry, playing a pivotal role since China’s post-pandemic reopening.
The driving force behind the brand, Wendy Wu, expressed her elation at this significant win, which was brokered in Sydney. Currently on a business tour in Australia, Wu mentioned, “It represents a major leap for China’s burgeoning tourism sector, reducing complexities and fuelling tourism resurgence from Australia.”
For many prospective tourists, China’s exhaustive 12-page visa application and prior mandatory fingerprinting had been a deterrent, more so for those hailing from regional territories distanced from urban centres. “This newly forged responsibility places us at the forefront of streamlining China tourism. It’s not just a win for us or the travellers, but for the entire ecosystem of agents and operators aiming to revitalize inbound tourism,” elaborated Wu.
Global travel, due to long-lasting COVID-19 ramifications, has seen paradigm shifts. In such trying times, China is no exception. Wendy Wu Tours’ strategic collaboration with the China Culture and Tourism Office in Sydney is evidence of resilient partnerships being crafted amidst adversity. Several travel industry moguls have already heralded this news.
Brett Jardine, the esteemed Managing Director of CATO, shared his take on this pivotal moment. After a recent rendezvous with Wendy Wu, Jardine commented on her unwavering enthusiasm despite the travel world’s tribulations. “Wendy’s optimism and unyielding commitment are commendable. It speaks volumes about her indomitable spirit and the transformative influence she wields in the travel sector,” Jardine reflected.
Further echoing this sentiment, Wu highlighted her lasting dedication to the land-supply niche and unceasing support for CATO’s pivotal role. She reiterated, “Wendy Wu Tours remains steadfast in its allegiance to CATO, endorsing its invaluable efforts to represent Australian tour entities.”
Written by: Christine Nguyen