Over 100 fencers in the Senior and Veteran Categories saw action at Majestic Hall, Port Dickson on 2-3 September 2023 at the Negeri Sembilan Open Championship 2023 (“NSOC 2023”) hosted by the Persatuan Lawan Pedang Negeri Sembilan (“PLPNS”), also known as
the Negeri Sembilan Fencing Association (“NSFA”).
The competition attracted both local and foreign participants, and was made possible with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (“KBSMalaysia”), Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB”), an agency under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia, Majlis Sukan Negeri, Negeri Sembilan (“MSNNS”), the Malaysian Fencing Federation (“MFF”) and corporate sponsors.
The event was graced by YAM Tunku Besar Seri Menanti Tunku Ali Redhauddin ibni Tuanku Muhriz, YAM Tunku Zain Al-‘Abidin ibni Tuanku Muhriz, YB Pn Hannah Yeoh, Youth and Sports Minister as well as YB Dato’ Mohd Faizal Ramli and YB Tn Hj Mystapha Nagoor, members fromthe Negeri Sembilan Exco, Pn Rusni Abu Hassan from MFF, En Zain Azrai bin Rashid of MyCEB, YBhg Dato’ Sabuddin Haji Sani from MSNNS and YBhg Dato’ Mandy Chew, of Lexis Hotels Group.
“I am happy to see an international competition of this standard here in Port Dickson, and it is my hope that the PLPNS builds on this success to make this a flagship fencing event. Many congratulations to all who were involved in organising this event, as well as the winners and participants for their efforts. Thank you also to KBSMalaysia, MyCEB, MFF, MSNNS and our corporate sponsors for their support,” said YAM Tunku Ali Redhauddin, patron of PLPNS, at the end of the event.
“We are pleased to see the successful conclusion of the Inaugural Negeri Sembilan Open Championship 2023 in Port Dickson for Senior and Veteran fencers. One of our objectives of holding this tournament is to allow our local fencers to compete with other international athletes on home ground. It also serves to elevate the spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie amongst participants from various countries. As host, we can’t help but feel proud to be able to give visitors a warm welcome to the idyllic coastal town of Port Dickson, where fencers and their families were able to enjoy some sun, sea, and great food!” said Tengku Dato’ Mu’adzam Sadruddin bin Tengku Noone Aziz, President, PLPNS.
“We hope to have this event as an annual event, and to be a fixture on both the sporting and tourism calendars.” he ended.
“I am glad to see an event of this nature in Negeri Sembilan, as MFF has always encouraged its member associations to host events in their home states, as it will broaden the reach of the sport of fencing in Malaysia. Increased exposure to the sport will hopefully lead to greater participation, which in turn, increases the pool of talent for our country,” said Pn Rusni Abu Hassan, MFF President.
“Congratulations to the Persatuan Lawan Pedang Negeri Sembilan for successfully hosting this competition. Majlis Sukan Negeri, Negeri Sembilan will endeavour to continue supporting our Negeri Sembilan athletes and to encourage members of the public to take up sporting activities for a healthy lifestyle.” said YBhg Dato’ Sabuddin bin Haji Sani, Director, MSNNS.
The event was also supported by MyCEB, an agency under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia. “We are pleased to be invited for this sporting event, as MyCEB’s aim of bringing international participants to Malaysia, via sporting events, conventions and exhibitions are achieved through events such as the NSOC 2023,” said En Zain Azrai bin Rashid, Acting Chief Executive Officer of MyCEB.
“We hope to be able to support more events of this nature in the future,” he concluded.
The NSOC 2023 was held over 2 days and saw both the Senior and Veteran categories for the 3 fencing disciplines of Epee, Foil and Sabre.