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TravelManagers 2023 conferenceTravelManagers annual national conference, held this year in Ōtautahi Christchurch, drew to a triumphant close on Saturday with a glittering gala farewell dinner at Te Pae convention centre.

Dining was followed by dancing and – for those keen to party into the early hours – an after-party at Social 1851, Crowne Plaza.

Shortly before the conference wound up, TravelManagers’ executive general manager, Michael Gazal, delivered news of next year’s venue: Cairns.

The decision was greeted warmly by the audience. TravelManagers generally alternates its conferences onshore and offshore, so a location within Australia is succeeded by an overseas one the following year.TravelManagers 2023 conference

This year’s conference in Christchurch attracted about 370 delegates, including some 200 personal travel managers (PCMs). About 50 of the PCMs went on to organise trips and famils around Christchurch and elsewhere in the South Island.

Conference participants enjoyed an extensive tradeshow and presentations from more than 80 participating partner suppliers. They heard from some of Australia’s most respected experts on resilience, innovation and adaptation, including 2023 Australian of the Year, Taryn Brumfitt.

Brumfitt brought the disturbing news that 77% of Australian kids are in “body image distress,” – but she delivered positive ways to combat this, and her presentation was optimistic, bubbly and engaging. She inspired all who heard her.

Joe Araullo tries bowling at Archie Brothers

Joe Araullo tries bowling at Archie Brothers

Renowned futurist Gihan Perera delivered the opening keynote address and facilitated a workshop entitled, ‘Step Up Making Time For What Matters Most’. In contrast, the Mind Body Brain Institute facilitated a second workshop, ‘Optimising Mental Fitness’.

TravelManagers provides psychological assistance for members who feel stressed or otherwise need it.

Delegates explored Christchurch, relishing a stylish welcome night at the Art Gallery and a wild and wonderful evening at Archie Brothers Cirque Electriq. In this game arcade, you can discover untapped skills in 10-pin bowling, pinball and other fun pursuits.

In addition, delegates sampled some of New Zealand’s most iconic tourism experiences, with an extensive program of local sightseeing activities and pre- and post-conference famil experiences in classic  Kiwi destinations such as Akaroa, Fiordland and Rotorua.




Written by: Peter Needham





