Babe Original, known for their viral lash and brow serums, has expanded their “Babe Lash” line with the launch of their new 4 Real Mascara ($15). Infused with 4 rejuvenating ingredients, including apple stem cells, olive stem cells, shea butter and castor seed oil, the mascara doubles as both a mascara and a treatment, nourishing lashes while delivering a next level false lash effect. The innovative formula is complemented by a unique silicone wand with micro-fine bristles that grip and define every lash.
The 4Real Mascara is the newest addition to Babe Original’s “Babe Lash” line, which includes the brand’s hero Essential Lash Serum. The new product is the third mascara to be added to the line, in addition to the Volumizing Mascara and Enriching Mascara.
Babe Original is proud to be transparent with their community and prioritizes safe, cruelty-free ingredients in all products. The brand is also committed to ethical business and production practices through their sustainable packaging and clean formulations.
Babe Original’s 4Real Mascara is available now at (affiliated with ShareASale 116626 and Skimlinks 1644046 for an 18% commission) and retails for $15.