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Vinay Gupta, CEO & Founder, Nexus DMCNextTAAI, the futuristic technology platform created by Bengaluru-based technology consultant Nexus DMC for Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) members, was launched at the recent TAAI convention in Colombo. It promises to provide complete solutions where members can plan, create tour itineraries, and find market solutions.

Mr Vinay Gupta, CEO & Founder of Nexus DMC, said during its launch at the recent TAAI convention: “We also assist in sourcing staff, recruiting and training and even help create individual website, all through one advanced platform that’ll set new standards in the world of travel technology. It is a single go to platform for millions of advisors to plan and book and deliver personalised holidays for their customers globally.”

The team created the new platform that made Via.com, which remains ahead of technology even after many years. It aims to consolidate the $2.5 trillion leisure travel market in India that is being served by millions of travel advisors.

Mr Gupta is confident that it will be the fastest-growing tourism platform globally. He said: “Thanks to TAAI management team. For the first time, an association has taken such a broad move. It’ll help in propelling India’s tourism industry. Everyone can’t know the world. NexTAAI has latest information on worldwide tourism products. The member has to know what he or she wants, and the platform will do the rest.” Members can also track the real-time movements of their clients through the platform.

Interested member has to register online. He/she’ll be assigned an account manager to guide the member through joining and utilising the platform for his/her business. The joining fee of Rs 7500($92) includes a one-time activation fee of Rs 3500($43), and Rs 4000 is added to the member’s wallet for usage.

Ms Jyoti Mayal, President of TAAI, said: “We’re getting good response from members who have already started registering. We plan to conduct workshops at all our regional chapters to highlight on the advantages of joining the platform.” TAAI has 2900 members across India.

Of the total travel business of $2.5 trillion, only $400 billion of products are sold online. The rest of the market is highly fragmented.

Mr Gupta said the ‘assisted’ travel market is six times more than the non-assisted. “Our platform can serve any number of members. Our goal is to enable tourism globally and bring-in more members across. We keep putting the world’s best supply together, collaboratively working with each one, making it simple to serve any request to get instant support worldwide and to provide complete visibility into clients’ trips. It’ll be the fastest growing tourism platform with convenient features of imagine, create and build kind of itineraries for clients.”




Written by: Madhura Katti





