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Tayla Burke the founder of My Girl Wellness is excited to announce the launch of two new products, Spa Water ($38) and Busy Bee ($38). The natural health solutions brand has expanded their product line up to include powdered elixirs that aid in hydration, skin health, energy, and mental focus. These elixirs join products such as You Go Girl ($28), In Sync ($36), and Panty Dropper ($38) among many others. My Girl Wellness products are created for women, by women for real solutions to womanhood woes.

Spa Water is a skin and hydration elixir blended with hyaluronic acid and enhanced with essential vitamins and minerals to promote new skin cell growth, retain moisture, and smooth the overall texture of skin. This water-enhancing functional elixir has the essence of both cucumber and grapefruit which will hydrate, restore, and nourish your skin with the nutrients it craves just with one scoop!

Busy Bee is a natural blend of caffeine and brain enhancing boosts to help power through your day with ease. Busy Bee has the natural essence of lemon and cucumber and is made with significantly less caffeine than a cup of coffee. A single scoop will sharpen your mind and get you through the day without crashing. Enhance your mental focus, sustain energy, and reduce brain fog with this natural energy elixir!

Spa Water and Busy Bee are now exclusively available for $38 each at MyGirlWellness.com and through ShareASale (Merchant ID 118950).