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Conventa is among a handful of international trade shows that measure carbon footprint systematically. The organisers teamed up with ClimatePartner to precisely measure the results. This year, the calculation proved that a systematic and holistic approach contributes to reducing the carbon footprint generated by transport – one of the most problematic aspects of event organising. The organisers thus focused most of their efforts on reducing the carbon footprint generated by transportation and succeeded in decreasing it by 8.9% (from 90.7% in 2022 to 81.8% in 2023). The overall carbon footprint of Conventa is comparable to the daily carbon footprint generated by 5,415 inhabitants of Germany and equals driving 387,129 kilometres by car.

The carbon footprint calculation comprises a broad spectre of emissions. This year, the organisers put tremendous effort into gathering data with the help of 19 partners. Gorazd Čad, the co-founder of Conventa, emphasised: “The timely inclusion of partners into the process of reducing carbon footprint was imperative. A crucial tool to measure the carbon footprint was our Green Handbook, which has become a kind of bible for organising sustainable events as it offers an array of handy tips and measures. We can achieve more each year with the help of project partners, with whom we are gradually learning to gather all data to calculate the carbon footprint.”

According to the organisers, the calculated carbon footprint can become a case example for similar events. In addition, it will enable Conventa to optimise future activities. To calculate the carbon footprint, garnering precise information regarding the transport of attendees, hotels, and activities was decisive. This year’s calculation includes individual data for all attendees obtained by conducting surveys. All measured data is thus precise and trustworthy. Read the following table for further information:

Transport of attendees 88.2 %  80.6 %  -7.60%
Hotel accommodation  6.1 %  12.6 % 6.50%
Transport of equipment by coworkers and subcontractors 2.5 %  1.2 % -1.30%
Event venue  1.9 %  2.6 %  0.70%
Catering service – food 0.8 %  1,6 % 0.80%
Catering service – beverages  0.4 %  0.8 %  0.40%
Miscellaneous equipment and organisation 0.1 %  0.5 % 0.40%

The organisers stressed that calculating the carbon footprint is only the beginning. The core purpose of the calculation is to identify activities that generate the most greenhouse gas emissions. Further steps and measures explained in Conventa’s Green Handbook are pivotal. The strategic document is a practical guide for all event organisers. In a nutshell, the document comprises: 

  • SUSTAINABLE CRITERIA: external recommendations intended for partners and subcontractors that cover 15 segments of event organising. Currently, the segments include 266 criteria. 
  • SUSTAINABLE MEASURES: detailed annual measures event organisers should implement and internal suggestions that will help event organisers prepare an action plan in seven segments (Conventa 7R Model). 

Gorazd Čad explained the event’s sustainable aspirations: “A prerequisite for a sustainable transformation is a systematic approach – connecting all stakeholders and coordinating activities. To transform events sustainably, event organisers should take a transparent pledge, identify goals, measure their results and cooperate extensively. When organising sustainable events, event organisers must adopt a holistic approach and consider all aspects of an event. Above all, measuring the carbon footprint of an event is crucial. If we do not measure it, we cannot improve it.” 

Following the successful close of the event, the organisers underlined that Conventa is a facilitator and booster of changes within the meetings industry in Ljubljana and the region. Conventa fosters positive development and is an ideal test lab for innovation to achieve sustainable and regenerative transformation. The organisers see Conventa not only as a means to achieve constant growth or reap multiplicative financial rewards but as a platform that generates prosperity for the community of event organisers. Conventa follows the new strategy of the meetings industry in Ljubljana and represents a best practice case. 

Self-initiative to adopt sustainable activities has also been seen among attendees. Following the event, the participants partook in a survey regarding sustainable practices at Conventa. Both exhibitors and hosted buyers highlighted: 

  • the ban on plastic
  • wooden stands from reusable wooden crates
  • water in reusable glass bottles
  • lanyards made from reusable cork 
  • predominantly plant-based food 
  • advocacy for walking to the venues 
  • reduced use of printed materials 
  • the digitalisation of communication via the mobile app 
  • measuring the carbon footprint 

All sustainable initiatives at the event were communicated through messages in hotels and venues that spread awareness about sustainability among attendees. The success of the activities was evident in the post-event surveys, where attendees outlined the event’s sustainable organisation. 


The organisers of Conventa look forward to the 16th edition of Conventa, taking place between 21 and 22 February 2024 in Ljubljana.