Hawai‘i’s visitor industry has shown signs of continuing recovery, according to the Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism (DBEDT)’s January 2023 visitor statistics report. Visitor spending has increased significantly, contributing $1.89 billion to the state, compared to $1.40 billion in January 2022 and $1.62 billion in January 2019.
The state’s economic recovery has been driven primarily by increased spending among visitors from the U.S. West and U.S. East, followed by the steady recovery of key international visitor markets. Total visitor spending from Canada in January 2023 nearly approached January 2019 levels, while total spending from the Japanese market continued to improve.
Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority (HTA) measures its performance using four indicators that represent a balance between tourism’s economic benefits and its impacts on local communities. These indicators include resident sentiment, visitor satisfaction, per-person-per-day visitor spending, and total visitor spending. The HTA’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan has adopted these indicators to track the tourism industry’s growth and its impact on the local community.
Despite a 3.2 percent drop in visitor arrivals in January 2023 compared to January 2019, all four key performance indicators are trending in a good direction. This positive trend can be attributed to the HTA’s proactive presence and communication in key markets, amplifying the statewide message of mālama Hawai‘i for the well-being of the community.
As global travel continues to rebalance and restore in the coming years, it is imperative to maintain a proactive approach in communicating and promoting the message of mālama Hawai‘i. The HTA is committed to working towards a sustainable tourism industry that benefits both visitors and local communities.
The January 2023 visitor statistics report is a positive indication of Hawai‘i’s visitor industry’s continuing recovery. However, it is important to ensure that the recovery is sustainable and benefits the local community. The call to action is for everyone to support the HTA in their efforts to promote a sustainable tourism industry that benefits the community and visitors.
For more information on the January 2023 visitor statistics, visit www.hawaiitourismauthority.org/research/monthly-visitor-statistics/.
Written by: Stephen Morton