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person wearing suit reading business newspaperIn one of the biggest milestones in the evolution of Travel’s peak industry body since it began, AFTA is seeking sector-wide input on the update of its Constitution.
The consultation is the latest step in the ongoing and extensive review of all things AFTA to better reflect the membership base of corporate agents, tour operators, advisors, wholesalers, consolidators, retail travel agents and online travel agents.

The AFTA Board voted unanimously for the release of this version of the Constitution in its December 2022 meeting for Industry feedback.

Last year we completed the largest and most comprehensive review of ATAS. This independent review had nearly 100 submissions from the Sector, Government Departments and Consumer Organisations and will ensure a strong future for ATAS as the Sector’s largest and most representative scheme.

Parallel to the ATAS review, an independent review of the AFTA Constitution commenced. There have been multiple workshops with the AFTA Board to ensure we are building a more inclusive Association for the future. Concurrently a review of the Associations principles, objectives and voting structure has taken place with the recommended approach to be based on TTV.

The proposed Constitution will be circulated to members and the wider industry for feedback as part of our commitment to transparency and inclusiveness. Following this, a final Constitution will be presented to members for formal vote as part of this year’s AGM process.

Importantly the review of the Constitution allows for reform of the following areas which have been thematic in member feedback over the past 18 months including:

  • Purpose of the Association – key objectives AFTA is focused on delivering
  • Nature of Industry – an overview of why the Association exists and who we do and don’t represent
  • Fees – how concessional members are established and the role of group discounting which impacts how votes are allocated
  • Right to vote – we are proposing a new voting structure based on TTV rather than number of retail outlets. This is a critical reform which recognizes the changing nature of how travel is sold.

To learn more, join the update webinar next 7 March 2023 at 3pm Sydney Time.

To participate in the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9MFSVT5
All submissions must be provided to AFTA by 10 March 2023

Quotes attributable to AFTA CEO Dean Long
“The work on ensuring AFTA’s structures and framework are market- and member-fit formally began in early 2022 but have been on the agenda for some time. When I became CEO of AFTA at the end of 2021, I committed to ensuring AFTA built upon what we achieved during COVID but also learning what we needed to improve. The pandemic showed that overall AFTA was fit for purpose but needed to evolve how we communicated and operate outside of a crisis. We also needed to review the key documents that govern who AFTA is and what we do as some in our membership did not have an equal voice in their Association.”

“The Board is united in its support and focus on getting this right so that as Travel’s peak industry body we represent and are seen to truly represent our membership base and that we continue to evolve to be ‘fit for purpose’ in the massively transformed landscape we now operate in.”

“This process has been complex and comprehensive. We have and will continue to take the time to consult widely and listen to members and non-members as well as other key consumer and government stakeholders.”

“Our commitment to listening and was evident last year when we work through the feedback from Industry and made significant changes to ATAS which recognised the different businesses models accredited through ATAS. ATAS continues to be Australia’s largest and most representative accreditation scheme which has been the bedrock of elevating standards for travel agents, tour operators, wholesalers and consolidators. Our approach to this consultation will be no different as we want to hear from all and ensure the Sector has a clear voice about the future of its peak body.”