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people, girls, womenThe Council of Australian Tour Operators (CATO) has formally announced dates for key 2023 CATO events today in line with its strategic plan.

The events are as follows:

  • International Women’s Day (IWD) lunch – Wed 8th March 2023.
  • Crisis, Risk & Resilience Conference – Monday 15th May 2023
  • CATO AGM – Tuesday 16th May 2023 (Members Only)
  • CATO Travel Trivia – Thursday 3rd August 2023
  • CATO Christmas Lunch – Thursday 7th December 2023

With the exception of the CATO AGM, the wider industry will be invited to attend all of these events.

CATO Managing Director, Brett Jardine said “as a result of the feedback and demand for our hugely successful industry-wide events in 2022, we have again in 2023, opened our events calendar up to welcome all of the industry”.

“Developing events which address the challenges the industry face and re-connect members with retail trade partners is a key strategic priority and focus for CATO. We have an exciting array of speakers already confirmed this year across all events and look forward to updating the industry on these in due course”, added Jardine.